Cyril Touzé


Refereed journal Publications / Revues internationales avec comité de lecture

69. A. de Figueiredo Stabile, A. Vizzaccaro, L. Salles, A. Colombo, A. Frangi and C. Touzé: Reduced-order modelling of parameter-dependent systems with invariant manifolds: application to Hopf bifurcations in follower force problems, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, submitted, 2024.

68. T. Wang, C. Touzé, H. Li and Q. Ding: Nonlinear dispersion relationships and dissipative properties of damped metamaterials embedding bistable attachments, Nonlinear Dynamics, Special Issue "Nonlinear dynamics and bifurcation of structural systems - On the occasion of the 70th birthday of Angelo Luongo", accepted, 2024.
[Springer/NODY | HAL]

67. A. Frangi, A. Colombo, A. Vizzaccaro and C. Touzé: Reduced order modelling of fully coupled electro-mechanical systems through invariant manifolds with applications to microstructures, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, accepted, 2024.
[ArXiv | Wiley/IJNME]

66. A. de Figueiredo Stabile, C. Touzé and A. Vizzaccaro: Normal form analysis of nonlinear oscillator equations with automated arbitrary order expansions, Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics (JTCAM), submitted, 2024.

65. H. Li, P. O'Donoughue, F. Masson, A. Pelat, F. Gautier and C. Touzé: Broadband shock vibration absorber based on vibro-impacts and acoustic black hole effect, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, Special Issue "The favourable role of nonlinearity in the dynamic response of mechanical systems", 159, 104620, 2024.
[ScienceDirect/IJNLM | HAL]

64. A. Vizzaccaro, G. Gobat, A. Frangi and C. Touzé: Direct parametrisation of invariant manifolds for forced non-autonomous systems including superharmonic resonances, Nonlinear Dynamics, 112, 6255-6290, 2024.
[ Springer/NODY | arXiv | HAL]

63. A. Opreni, G. Gobat, C. Touzé and A. Frangi: Nonlinear model order reduction of resonant piezoelectric micro-actuators: an invariant manifold approach, Computers and Structures, 289, 107154, 2023.
[ ScienceDirect/C&S | arXiv | HAL]

62. A. Martin, A. Opreni, A. Vizzaccaro, M. Debeurre, L. Salles, A. Frangi, O. Thomas and C. Touzé: Reduced order modeling of geometrically nonlinear rotating structures using the direct parametrisation of invariant manifolds, Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics (JTCAM), 10430, 2023.

61. G. Gobat, V. Zega, P. Fedeli, C. Touzé and A. Frangi: Frequency combs in a MEMS resonator featuring 1:2 internal resonance: ab initio reduced order modelling and experimental validation, Nonlinear Dynamics, 111, 2991-3017, 2023.
[Springer/NODY | HAL]

60. A. Opreni, A. Vizzaccaro, C. Touzé and A. Frangi: High order direct parametrisation of invariant manifolds for model order reduction of finite element structures: application to generic forcing terms and parametrically excited systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, 111, 5401-5447, 2023.
[Springer/NODY | HAL]

59. Z. Alabidin Shami, Y. Shen, C. Giraud-Audine, C. Touzé, O. Thomas: Nonlinear dynamics of coupled oscillators in 1:2 internal resonance: effects of the non-resonant quadratic terms and recovery of the saturation effect, Meccanica, 57, 2701-2731, 2022.
[Springerlink/Meccanica | HAL ]

58. A. Vizzaccaro, A. Opreni, L. Salles, A. Frangi and C. Touzé: High order direct parametrisation of invariant manifolds for model order reduction of finite element structures: application to large amplitude vibrations and uncovering of a folding point, Nonlinear Dynamics, 110, 525-571, 2022.
[Springerlink/Nonlinear Dynamics | arXiv | HAL ]

57. H. Li, O. Doaré, C. Touzé, A. Pelat and F. Gautier: Energy harvesting efficiency of unimorph piezoelectric acoustic black hole cantilever shunted by resistive and inductive circuits, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 238, 111409, 2022.
[Elsevier/IJSS | HAL ]

56. G. Gobat, V. Zega, P. Fedeli, L. Guerinoni, C. Touzé and A. Frangi: Reduced order modelling and experimental validation of a MEMS gyroscope test-structure exhibiting 1:2 internal resonance, Scientific Reports, 11, 16390, 2021.
[Nature/Scientific reports | HAL]

55. C. Touzé, A. Vizzaccaro and O. Thomas: Model order reduction methods for geometrically nonlinear structures: a review of nonlinear techniques, Nonlinear Dynamics, 105, 1141-1190, 2021.
[Springerlink/Nonlinear Dynamics | arXiv | HAL]

54. A. Opreni, A. Vizzaccaro, A. Frangi and C. Touzé: Model order reduction based on direct normal form: application to large finite element MEMS structures featuring internal resonance, Nonlinear Dynamics, 105, 1237-1272, 2021.
[Springerlink/Nonlinear Dynamics | arXiv | HAL]

53. G. Gobat, L. Guillot, A. Frangi, B. Cochelin and C. Touzé: Backbone curves, Neimark-Sacker boundaries and appearance of quasi-periodicity in nonlinear oscillators: application to 1:2 internal resonance and frequency combs in MEMS, Meccanica, 56, 1937-1969, 2021.
[Springerlink/Meccanica | HAL]

52. H. Li, M. Sécail-Géraud, A. Pelat, F. Gautier and C. Touzé: Experimental evidence of energy transfer and vibration mitigation in a vibro-impact acoustic black hole, Applied Acoustics, 182, 108168, 2021.
[ScienceDirect/Applied Acoustics | HAL]

51. H. Li, C. Touzé, F. Gautier and A. Pelat: Linear and nonlinear dynamics of a plate with acoustic black hole, geometric and contact nonlinearity for vibration mitigation, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 508, 116206, 2021.
[ScienceDirect/JSV | HAL]

50. Y. Shen, A. Vizzaccaro, N. Kesmia, T. Yu, L. Salles, O. Thomas and C. Touzé: Comparison of reduction methods for finite element geometrically nonlinear beam structures, Vibration, 4(1), 175-204, 2021.
[MDPI/Vibration | HAL | PDF ]

49. A. Vizzaccaro, Y. Shen, L. Salles, J. Blahos and C. Touzé: Direct computation of nonlinear mapping via normal form for reduced-order models of finite element nonlinear structures, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 284, 113957, 2021.
[ScienceDirect/CMAME | arXiv | HAL]

48. Y. Shen, N. Béreux, A. Frangi and C. Touzé: Reduced order models for geometrically nonlinear structures: Assessment of implicit condensation in comparison with invariant manifold approach, European Journal of Mechanics - A/solids, 86, 104165, 2021.
[ScienceDirect/EJM-A | HAL]

47. A. Vizzaccaro, L. Salles and C. Touzé: Comparison of nonlinear mappings for reduced-order modelling of vibrating structures: normal form theory and quadratic manifold method with modal derivatives, Nonlinear Dynamics, 103, 3335-3370, 2021.
[Springerlink/NODY | HAL]

46. H. Li, C. Touzé, A. Pelat and F. Gautier: Combining nonlinear vibration absorbers and the acoustic black hole for passive broadband flexural vibration mitigation, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 129, 103558, 2021.
[Sciencedirect/IJNLM | HAL]

45. A. Vizzaccaro, A. Givois, P. Longobardi, Y. Shen, J.-F. Deü, L. Salles, C. Touzé and O. Thomas: Non-intrusive reduced order modelling for the dynamics of geometrically nonlinear flat structures using three-dimensional finite elements, Computational Mechanics, 66, 1293-1319, 2020.
[Springerlink/Comp. Mech. | HAL]

44. A. Givois, J.-J. Tan, C. Touzé and O. Thomas: Backbone curves of coupled cubic oscillators in one-to-one internal resonance: bifurcation scenario, measurements and parameter identification, Meccanica, vol. 55, pp. 481-503, 2020.
[Springerlink/Meccanica | HAL]

43. H. Li, C. Touzé, A. Pelat, F. Gautier and X. Kong: A vibro-impact acoustic black hole for passive damping of flexural beam vibrations, Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 450, pp. 28-46, 2019.
[Sciencedirect/JSV | HAL]

42. Q-B. Nguyen and C. Touzé : Nonlinear vibrations of thin plates with variable thickness : application to sound synthesis of cymbals, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145(2), 977-988, 2019.
[ PDF ]

(Copyright 2019 Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America)

41. S. Lo Feudo, C. Touzé, J. Boisson and G. Cumunel : Nonlinear magnetic vibration absorber for passive control of a multi-storey structure, Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 438, pp. 33-53, 2019.
[Sciencedirect/JSV | HAL]

40. C. Issanchou, V. Acary, F. Pérignon, C. Touzé and J.-L. Le Carrou : Nonsmooth contact dynamics for the numerical simulation of collisions in musical string instruments , Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143(5), 3195-3205, 2018.
[ PDF ]

(Copyright 2018 Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America)

39. C. Issanchou, J.-L. Le Carrou, C. Touzé, B. Fabre and O. Doaré : String/frets contacts in the electric bass sound: simulations and experiments , Applied Acoustics, vol. 129, pp. 217-228, 2018.
[Sciencedirect/Applied Acoustics | HAL]

38. V. Denis, A. Pelat, C. Touzé and F. Gautier : Improvement of the acoustic black hole effect by using energy transfer due to geometric nonlinearity, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, Special Issue "A Conspectus of Nonlinear Mechanics: A Tribute to the Oeuvres of Professors G. Rega and F. Vestroni", vol. 94, pp. 134-145, 2017.
[Sciencedirect/IJNLM | HAL]

37. A. Malher, C. Touzé, O. Doaré, G. Habib and G. Kerschen : Flutter control of a two-degrees-of-freedom airfoil using a nonlinear tuned vibration absorber, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 12(5), 051016-051016-11, 2017.

36. C. Issanchou, S. Bilbao, J.-L. Le Carrou, C. Touzé and O. Doaré : A modal-based approach to the nonlinear vibration of strings against a unilateral obstacle: Simulations and experiments in the pointwise case, Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 393, 229-251, 2017.
[Sciencedirect/JSV | HAL]

35. A. Malher, O. Doaré and C. Touzé: Influence of a hysteretic damper on the flutter instability, Journal of Fluids and Structures, vol. 68, 356-369, 2017.
[Sciencedirect/JFS | HAL]

34. S. Benacchio, A. Malher, J. Boisson and C. Touzé: Design of a magnetic vibration absorber with tunable stiffnesses, Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 85(2), 893-911, 2016.
[Springerlink/Nonlinear Dynamics | HAL]

33. T. Humbert, C. Josserand, C. Touzé and O. Cadot: Phenomenological model for predicting stationary and non-stationary spectra of wave turbulence in vibrating plates, Physica D, vol. 316, 34-42, 2016.
[Sciencedirect/Physica D | HAL]

32. S. Bilbao, O. Thomas, C. Touzé and M. Ducceschi: Conservative numerical methods for the full von Kármán plate equations, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, vol. 31(6), 1948-1970, 2015.
[Wiley/NMPDE | HAL]

31. M. Ducceschi and C. Touzé: Modal approach for nonlinear vibrations of damped impacted plates: Application to sound synthesis of gongs and cymbals, Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 344, 313-331, 2015.
[Sciencedirect/JSV | HAL]

30. M. Monteil, O. Thomas and C. Touzé: Identification of mode couplings in nonlinear vibrations of the steelpan, Applied Acoustics, vol. 89, 1-15, 2015.
[Sciencedirect/Applied Acoustics | HAL]

29. C. Touzé, M. Vidrascu and D. Chapelle: Direct finite element computation of non-linear modal coupling coefficients for reduced-order shell models, Computational Mechanics, vol. 54(2), 567-580, 2014.
[SpringerLink/CompMech | HAL]

28. M. Ducceschi, O. Cadot, C. Touzé and S. Bilbao: Dynamics of the wave turbulence spectrum in vibrating plates: A numerical investigation using a conservative finite difference scheme, Physica D, vol. 280-281, 73-85, 2014.
[Sciencedirect/Physica D | HAL]

27. M. Ducceschi, C. Touzé, S. Bilbao and C.J. Webb: Nonlinear dynamics of rectangular plates: investigation of modal interaction in free and forced vibrations, Acta Mechanica, vol. 225(1), 213-232, 2014.
[SpringerLink/Acta Mechanica | HAL]

26. M. Monteil, C. Touzé, O. Thomas and S. Benacchio: Nonlinear forced vibrations of thin structures with tuned eigenfrequencies: the cases of 1:2:4 and 1:2:2 internal resonances, Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 75(1-2), 175-200, 2014.
[SpringerLink/NLDyn | HAL]

25. T. Humbert, O. Cadot, G. Düring, C. Josserand, S. Rica and C. Touzé: Wave turbulence in vibrating plates: The effect of damping , Europhysics Letters, vol. 102(3), 30002, 2013.
[IOPScience/EPL | HAL]

24. F. Blanc, C. Touzé, J.-F. Mercier, K. Ege and A.-S. Bonnet Ben-Dhia: On the numerical computation of nonlinear normal modes for reduced-order modelling of conservative vibratory systems, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 36(2), 520-539, 2013.
[ScienceDirect/MSSP | HAL]

23. C.-H. Lamarque, C. Touzé and O. Thomas: An upper bound for validity limits of asymptotic analytical approaches based on normal form theory, Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 70(3), 1931-1949, 2012.
[SpringerLink/NLDyn | HAL]

22. M. Ould Moussa, Z. Moumni, O. Doaré, C. Touzé and W. Zaki: Non-linear dynamic thermomechanical behaviour of shape memory alloys, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, vol. 23(14), 1593-1611, 2012.
[Sage/JIMSS | HAL]

21. O. Doaré, A. Sbarra, C. Touzé, M. Ould Moussa and Z. Moumni: Experimental analysis of the quasi-static and dynamic torsional behaviour of shape memory alloys, International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 49(1), 32-42, 2012.
[ScienceDirect/IJSS | HAL]

20. C. Touzé, S. Bilbao and O. Cadot : Transition scenario to turbulence in thin vibrating plates, Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 331(2), 412-433, 2012.
[ScienceDirect/JSV | HAL]

19. C. Touzé, O. Thomas and M. Amabili : Transition to chaotic vibrations for harmonically forced perfect and imperfect circular plates, International Journal of non-linear Mechanics, vol. 46, 234-246, 2011.
[ScienceDirect/NonLinear Mechanics | HAL]

18. O. Cadot, C. Touzé and A. Boudaoud: Linear versus nonlinear response of a forced wave turbulence system, Physical review E, vol. 82, 046211, 2010.

17. O. Thomas, L. Nicu and C. Touzé : Flambage et vibrations non-linéaires d'une plaque stratifiée piézoélectrique. Application à un capteur de masse MEMS, Mécanique et Industries, vol. 10, pp. 311-316, 2009.
[Mécanique&industries | pdf]

16. C. Camier, C. Touzé and O. Thomas : Non-linear vibrations of imperfect free-edge circular plates and shells, Eur. J. Mechanics, A/solids, vol. 28(3), pp. 500-515, 2009.
[ScienceDirect/EJM-A | HAL]

15. O. Cadot, A. Boudaoud and C. Touzé : Statistics of power injection in a plate set into chaotic vibration, Eur. Phys. J. B, vol. 66, pp. 399-407, 2008.

14. A. Boudaoud, O. Cadot, B. Odille and C. Touzé : Observation of wave turbulence in vibrating plates, Physical Review Letters, vol. 100, 234504, 2008.

13. C. Touzé, C. Camier, G. Favraud and O. Thomas : Effect of imperfections and damping on the type of non-linearity of circular plates and shallow spherical shells, Mathematical problems in Engineering, vol. 2008, Article ID 678307, 19 pages, doi:10.1155/2008/678307, 2008.
[MPE | pdf | HAL]

12. C. Touzé, M. Amabili and O. Thomas : Reduced-order models for large-amplitude vibrations of shells including in-plane inertia, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 197, No. 21-24, pp. 2030-2045, 2008.
[ScienceDirect/CMAME | HAL]

11. O. Thomas, C. Touzé and E. Luminais : Non-linear vibrations of free-edge thin spherical shells: experiments on a 1:1:2 internal resonance, Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 49, No. 1-2, pp. 259-284, 2007.
[SpringerLink/NLDyn | HAL]

10. M. Amabili and C. Touzé : Reduced-order models for non-linear vibrations of fluid-filled circular cylindrical shells: comparison of POD and asymptotic non-linear normal modes methods, Journal of Fluids and Structures, vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 885-903, 2007.
[ ScienceDirect/JFS | HAL]

9. C. Touzé and M. Amabili : Non-linear normal modes for damped geometrically non-linear systems: application to reduced-order modeling of harmonically forced structures, Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 298, No. 4-5, pp. 958-981, 2006.
[ScienceDirect/JSV | HAL]

8. C. Touzé and O.Thomas : Non-linear behaviour of free-edge shallow spherical shells: Effect of the geometry , International Journal of non-linear Mechanics, vol. 41, No. 5, pp. 678-692, 2006.
[ScienceDirect/IJNLM | HAL]

7. A. Chaigne, C. Touzé and O. Thomas: Nonlinear vibrations and chaos in gongs and cymbals , Acoustical Science and Technology, Acoust. Soc. of Japan, vol. 26, No. 5, pp 403-409, 2005.
[AST/ASJ | pdf | HAL]

6. O.Thomas, C. Touzé and A. Chaigne : Non-linear vibrations of free-edge thin spherical shells: modal interaction rules and 1:1:2 internal resonance , International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 42, No. 11-12, pp 3339-3373, 2005.
[ScienceDirect/IJSS | HAL]

5. C. Touzé, O.Thomas and A. Huberdeau : Asymptotic non-linear normal modes for large-amplitude vibrations of continuous structures, Computers and Structures, Vol 82, No 31-32, pp 2671-2682, 2004.
[ScienceDirect/C&S | HAL]

4. C. Touzé, O.Thomas and A. Chaigne : Hardening/softening behaviour in non-linear oscillations of structural systems using non-linear normal modes , Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol 273, No 1-2, pp 77-101, 2004.
[ScienceDirect/JSV | HAL]

3. O.Thomas, C. Touzé and A. Chaigne : Asymmetric non-linear forced vibrations of free-edge circular plates, part II: experiments , Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol 265, No 5, pp. 1075-1101, 2003.
[ScienceDirect/JSV | HAL]

2. C. Touzé, O.Thomas and A. Chaigne : Asymmetric non-linear forced vibrations of free-edge circular plates, part I: theory , Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol 258, No 4, pp. 649-676, 2002.
[ScienceDirect/JSV | HAL]

1. C. Touzé and A. Chaigne : Lyapunov exponents from experimental time series. Application to cymbal vibrations , Acta Acustica, vol 86, No 3, pp. 557-567, 2000.

Book chapters / Chapitre de livres

4. C. Touzé and A. Vizzaccaro: Nonlinear normal modes as invariant manifolds for model order reduction, In : C. Touzé and A. Frangi, Editors, Model Order Reduction for Design, Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Vibratory Systems, Springer Series CISM courses and lectures, vol. 614, ISBN 978-3-031-67498-3, 2024.
[Springer - web link to the complete book]
[HAL version of the chapter]

3. O. Cadot, M. Ducceschi, T. Humbert, B. Miquel, N. Mordant, C. Josserand and C. Touzé : Wave turbulence in vibrating plates, Handbook of Applications of Chaos theory, C. Skiadas, Editor, Chapman and Hall/CRC, ISBN 9781466590434, Juin 2016.

2. A. Malher, O. Doaré and C. Touzé : Pseudoelastic Shape Memory Alloys to Mitigate the Flutter Instability: A Numerical Study, In : Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis, selected papers from CSNDD 2012 and CSNDD 2014, M. Belhaq, editor; Springer Proceedings in Physics 168, ISBN 978-3-319-19850-7, 2015.
[Springer/link | PDF]

1. C. Touzé : Normal form theory and nonlinear normal modes: theoretical settings and applications In : Modal Analysis of nonlinear Mechanical Systems, G. Kerschen, Editor, Springer Series CISM courses and lectures, vol. 555, ISBN 978-3-7091-1790-2, 2014.
[PDF | HAL ]

Conference Proceedings / Articles de conférence

90. A. Martin, A. Opreni, A. Vizzaccaro, L. Salles, A. Frangi and C. Touzé: Reduced order modeling of rotating structures featuring geometric nonlinearity with the direct parametrisation of invariant manifolds method, NODYCON2023, Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, June 19-23, Rome, Italie, 2023.
[ HAL ]

89. A. Martin, A. Opreni, A. Vizzaccaro, L. Salles, A. Frangi and C. Touzé: Model order reduction for geometrically nonlinear beams featuring internal resonance and centrifugal effect, ENOC 2020+2, 10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, July 17-22, Lyon, France, 2022.
[ pdf ]

88. A. Opreni, A. Vizzaccaro, A. Martin, C. Touzé and A. Frangi: A numerical package for model order reduction of large dimensional finite element systems of nonlinear vibrating structures based on invariant manifold theory, ENOC 2020+2, 10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, July 17-22, Lyon, France, 2022.
[ pdf ]

87. A. Vizzaccaro, A. Opreni, L. Salles, A. Frangi and C. Touzé: Asymptotic Computation of Invariant Manifolds of large Finite Element structures with Geometric Nonlinearities, ENOC 2020+2, 10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, July 17-22, Lyon, France, 2022.
[ pdf ]

86. C. Touzé, A. Vizzaccaro, O. Thomas, L. Salles, A. Opreni, Y. Shen and A. Frangi: Comparison of nonlinear methods for reduced-order modeling of geometrically nonlinear structures, ENOC 2020+2, 10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, July 17-22, Lyon, France, 2022.
[ pdf ]

85. A. Opreni, A. Vizzaccaro, C. Touzé and A. Frangi: Model order reduction of nonlinear piezoelectric microstructures through direct parametrisation of invariant manifolds, ENOC 2020+2, 10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, July 17-22, Lyon, France, 2022.
[ pdf ]

84. A. Opreni, A. Vizzaccaro, A. Martin, A. Frangi and C. Touzé: An efficient implementation of the direct parametrisation for invariant manifolds for nonlinear model order reduction of large dimensional finite element systems, CSMA 2022, 15e colloque national en calcul de structures, Giens, 16-20 Mai, 2022.
[ pdf ]

83. A. Opreni, A. Vizzaccaro, G. Gobat, A. Martin, L. Salles, A. Frangi and C. Touzé: Model order reduction of nonlinear MEMS structures: a high order invariant manifold approach, CSMA 2022, 15e colloque national en calcul de structures, Giens, 16-20 Mai, 2022.
[ pdf ]

82. A. Martin, A. Opreni, S. Lian, A. Vizzaccaro, L. Salles, A. Frangi and C. Touzé: Réduction de modèle en dynamique non linéaire par la méthode de paramétrisation des variétés invariantes: Application au cas des structures tournantes, CSMA 2022, 15e colloque national en calcul de structures, Giens, 16-20 Mai, 2022.
[ pdf ]

81. A. Opreni, A. Vizzaccaro, N. Boni, R. Carminati, G. Mendicino, C. Touzé and A. Frangi: Fast and accurate prediction of MEMS micromirrors nonlinear dynamic response using direct computation of invariant manifolds, MEMS 2022, 35th IEEE international conference on MEMS, Tokyo, Japan, January 9-13, 2022.
[ pdf ]

80. G. Gobat, A. Frangi, C. Touzé, L. Guillot and B. Cochelin: Investigation of Quasi-Periodic Solutions in Nonlinear Oscillators Featuring Internal Resonance, NODYCON 21, Second International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, online conference, Roma La Sapienza, February 16-19, 2021.
[ pdf ]

79. A. Opreni, A. Vizzaccaro, C. Touzé and A. Frangi: Reduced-order models of MEMs including large rotations with normal form approach, NODYCON 21, Second International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, online conference, Roma La Sapienza, February 16-19, 2021.
[ pdf ]

78. Y. Shen, N. Kesmia, C. Touzé, A. Vizzaccaro, L. Salles and O. Thomas: Predicting the Type of Nonlinearity of Shallow Spherical Shells: Comparison of Direct Normal Form with Modal Derivatives, NODYCON 21, Second International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, online conference, Roma La Sapienza, February 16-19, 2021.
[ pdf ]

77. G. Gobat, V. Zega, P. Fedeli, L. Falorni, L. Guerinoni, C. Touzé and A. Frangi: Experimental evidence of mechanical frequency comb in a quad-mass MEMS structure, MEMS21, the 34th IEEE international conference on micro electromechanical systems, online conference, Januray 25-29, 2021.
[ pdf ]

76. A. Vizzaccaro, Y. Shen, L. Salles and C. Touzé: Model order reduction methods based on normal form for geometrically nonlinear structures: a direct approach, Proceedings of ENOC 2020, European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Lyon, France, July 2020 postponed to July 11-16, 2021.
[ pdf ]

75. O. Thomas, A. Givois, A. Vizzacaro, P. Longobardi, A. Grolet, L. Salles, J.-F. Deü, Y. Shen and C. Touzé: Finite elements based reduced order models for geometrically nonlinear and piezoelectric thin structures: validation and three-dimensional effects, Proceedings of ENOC 2020, European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Lyon, France, July 2020 postponed to July 11-16, 2021.
[ pdf ]

74. H. Li, C. Touzé, A. Pelat and F. Gautier: Passive control of flexural beam vibrations using nonlinear absorbers combined with an Acoustic Black Hole, Proceedings of ENOC 2020, European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Lyon, France, July 2020 postponed to July 11-16, 2021.
[ pdf ]

73. Y. Shen, N. Béreux, A. Frangi and C. Touzé: Comparison of stress manifold and invariant manifold for reduced order modeling of thin structures, Proceedings of ENOC 2020, European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Lyon, France, July 2020 postponed to July 11-16, 2021.
[ pdf ]

72. A. Vizzaccaro and C. Touzé: Nonlinear mappings for reduced-order modeling of geometrically nonlinear structures: quadratic manifold and normal form theory, Proceedings of ENOC 2020, European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Lyon, France, July 2020 postponed to July 11-16, 2021.
[ pdf ]

71. H. Li, V.Denis, A. Pelat, F. Gautier and C. Touzé: Nonlinear energy transfer to improve the acoustic black hole effect, Proceedings of NODYCON 2019, International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Roma, Italy, February 17-20, 2019.
[ pdf ]

70. C. Issanchou, J.-L. Le Carrou, C. Touzé, B. Fabre and O. Doaré: String/Fretboard interaction in electric basses: simulations and experiments, Proceedings of ISMA 2017, International Symposium on Musical Acoustics, Montreal, Canada, June 18-22, 2017.
[ pdf ]

69. S. Lo Feudo, S. Benacchio, A. Malher, C. Touzé, J. Boisson and O. Doaré : Étude expérimentale et numérique du comportement d'un système couplé composé par un amortisseur de vibrations magnétique non linéaire et une plaque mince, CSMA 2017, 13e colloque national en calcul de structures, Giens, Mai 2017.
[ pdf ]

68. C. Issanchou, J.-L. Le Carrou, C. Touzé, B. Fabre and O. Doaré: Méthode modale mixte pour la simulation numérique de contacts multiples entre une corde vibrante et un obstacle, CSMA 2017, 13e colloque national en calcul de structures, Giens, Mai 2017.
[ pdf ]

67. C. Issanchou, J.-L. Le Carrou, S. Bilbao, C. Touzé and O. Doaré: A modal approach to the numerical simulation of a string vibrating against an obstacle: applications to sound synthesis, 19th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-16), Brno, Czech Republic, 5-9 septembre, 2016.
[ pdf ]

66. S. Benacchio, A. Malher, S. Lo Feudo, J. Boisson and C. Touzé: Dynamic Behaviour of a tunable magnetic vibration absorber, 24th ICTAM, International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 21-26 August, 2016.
[ pdf ]

65. T. Humbert, C. Josserand, C. Touzé and O. Cadot: A phenomenological model for predicting the effect of damping on wave turbulence spectra in vibrating plates, 6th International Conference on Nonlinear Vibrations, Localization and Energy Transfer July 4-8, Liège, Belgium, 2016.
[ pdf ]

64. A. Malher, C. Touzé, O. Doaré, G. Habib and G. Kerschen: Passive control of airfoil flutter using a nonlinear tuned vibration absorber, 11th International Conference on Flow-Induced Vibration FIV 2016, La Haye, Pays-bas, 4-6 juillet, 2016.
[ pdf ]

63. V. Denis, A. Pelat, C. Touzé and F. Gautier: Effects of geometrical nonlinearities on the acoustic black hole effect, Internoise 2016, Hambourg, Allemagne, 21-24 Aout, 2016.
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62. A. Aragones, C. Touzé, S. Bilbao and M. Ducceschi: A complete vibroacoustic model for the nonlinear response of imperfect circular plates : application to sound synthesis, Internoise 2016, Hambourg, Allemagne, 21-24 Aout, 2016.
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61. V. Denis, A. Pelat, F. Gautier and C. Touzé: Effet des non linéarités géométriques sur l'amortissement par effet trou noir, Congrès Français d'Acoustique CFA 2016, Le Mans, 11-15 Avril, 2016.
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60. C. Issanchou, S. Bilbao, O. Doaré, J.-L. Le Carrou and C. Touzé: Méthode modale mixte pour le contact unilatéral corde/obstacle : application au chevalet de la tampoura, Congrès Français d'Acoustique CFA 2016, Le Mans, 11-15 Avril, 2016.
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59. M. Ducceschi and C. Touzé: Simulations of nonlinear plate dynamics: an accurate and efficient modal algorithm, Proc. of the 18th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-15), Trondheim, Norway, Nov 30 - Dec 3, 2015.
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58. J.-J. Tan, C. Touzé and B. Cotté: Double polarisation in nonlinear vibrating piano strings, 3rd Vienna Talk on Musical Acoustics, Vienna, September 16-19, 2015.
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57. C. Touzé and M. Ducceschi: Energy-conserving modal synthesis scheme for vibrations of thin plates in strongly nonlinear regime, 9th European Solid mechanics Conference, ESMC 2015, Madrid, July 6-10, 2015.
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56. S. Benacchio, A. Malher, J. Boisson, C. Touzé, R. Monchaux et O. Doaré: Conception d'un amortisseur de vibrations magnétique à raideurs ajustables, Congrès Français de Mécanique, CFM 2015, Lyon, France, 24-28 Août 2015.
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55. A. Malher, O. Doaré et C. Touzé: Étude de l'influence d'un amortisseur pseudoélastique sur l'instabilité de flottement, Congrès Français de Mécanique, CFM 2015, Lyon, France, 24-28 Août 2015.
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54. C. Issanchou, J.-L. Le Carrou, C. Touzé and O. Doaré: Étude du contact corde/frette, Congrès Français de Mécanique, CFM 2015, Lyon, France, 24-28 Août 2015.
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53. M. Ducceschi and C. Touzé: Vibrations non-linéaires de plaques minces: résolution numérique et application a la synthèse sonore de gongs, Congrès Français d'Acoustique, CFA 2014, Poitiers, France, Avril 2014.
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52. T. Humbert, C. Josserand, C. Touzé and O. Cadot: Phenomenological model for predicting stationary and non-stationary spectra of wave turbulence in vibrating plates, ENOC-2014, European Non-linear Dynamics conference, Vienna, Austria, July 2014.
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51. L. Renson, C. Touzé and G. Kerschen: Computation of damped nonlinear normal modes with internal resonances: a boundary value approach, ENOC-2014, European Non-linear Dynamics conference, Vienna, Austria, July 2014.
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50. O. Thomas, M. Monteil and C. Touzé: Complicated dynamics exhibited by thin shells displaying numerous internal resonances: application to the steelpan, ENOC-2014, European Non-linear Dynamics conference, Vienna, Austria, July 2014.
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49. M. Ducceschi, C. Touzé, O. Cadot and S. Bilbao: Non-stationary wave turbulence in elastic plates: a numerical investigation, ENOC-2014, European Non-linear Dynamics conference, Vienna, Austria, July 2014.
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48. T. Humbert, C. Josserand, O. Cadot and C. Touzé: Modèle phénoménologique pour la prédiction de spectres stationnaires et instationnaires de turbulence d'ondes de plaques, 17e Rencontres du Non linéaire, Université Paris-Diderot, 18-20 Mars, Paris, 2014.
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47. A. Malher, O. Doaré and C. Touzé: Passive control of the flutter instability on a two-degrees-of-freedom system with pseudoelastic shape-memory alloy springs, CNSDD 2014, Int. Conference on Structural nonlinear dynamics and diagnosis, May 19-21, Agadir, Marocco, 2014
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46. M. Monteil, C. Touzé and O. Thomas: Nonlinear vibrations of steelpans: analysis of mode coupling in view of modal sound synthesis, SMAC Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 2013, Aout 2013.
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45. M. Ducceschi, C. Touzé and S. Bilbao: Sound synthesis of gongs obtained from nonlinear thin plates vibrations: comparison between a modal approach and a finite difference scheme, SMAC Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 2013, Aout 2013.
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44. M. Monteil, O. Thomas, J. Frelat and C. Touzé: Effet de la mise en forme sur les vibrations d'une coque mince : application au steelpan, 11e Colloque national en Calcul de Structures, Giens, Mai 2013.
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43. C. Touzé, M. Vidrascu and D. Chapelle: Calcul direct de la raideur non linéaire géométrique pour la réduction de modèles de coques en éléments finis, 11e Colloque national en Calcul de Structures, Giens, Mai 2013.
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42. M. Ducceschi, C. Touzé, O. Cadot and S. Bilbao: Numerical Simulations of Wave Turbulence in Vibrating Plates, 16e Rencontres du non linéaire, Université Paris Diderot, Paris 7, Mars 2013.
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41. T. Humbert, C. Josserand, O. Cadot and C. Touzé: Turbulence d'ondes dans les plaques minces en vibration: effet de l'amortissement, 16e Rencontres du non linéaire, Université Paris Diderot, Paris 7, Mars 2013.
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40. L. Renson, F. Blanc, C. Touzé and G. Kerschen: Transport Methods for the Numerical Computation of Nonlinear Normal Modes, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Localization, Energy Transfer and Nonlinear Normal Modes in Mechanics and Physics - NNM2012, Haifa, Israel, Juillet 2012.

39. M. Monteil, C. Touzé and O.Thomas: Complicated dynamics exhibited by thin shells displaying numerous internal resonances: application to the steelpan, Proceedings of ICSV19, Int. Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vilnius, Lituanie, Juillet 2012.
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38. M. Monteil, O.Thomas, J. Frelat, C. Touzé and W. Seiler: Towards a steelpan making model - Residual stress field effects on dynamical properties, Acoustics'2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique et 2012 Annual IOA Meeting, Nantes, France, Avril 2012.
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38. M. Ducceschi, C. Touzé and S. Bilbao: Nonlinear plate vibrations: A modal approach with application to cymbals and gongs, Acoustics'2012, 11ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique et 2012 Annual IOA Meeting, Nantes, France, Avril 2012.
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37. C.-H. Lamarque, C. Touzé and O. Thomas : An upper bound for normal form asymptotic expansions, DSTA-2011, 11th conference on dynamical systems theory and applications, December 5-8, Lodz, Poland, 2011.
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36. C. Touzé, S. Bilbao and O. Cadot : Transition to turbulence in forced vibrations of perfect plates, ENOC-2011, European Non-linear Dynamics conference, Roma, Italia, July 2011.
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35. A. Sbarra, O. Doaré, M. Ould Moussa, C. Touzé, and Z. Moumni : Dynamical behaviour of a shape memory alloy torsional pendulum, ENOC-2011, European Non-linear Dynamics conference, Roma, Italia, July 2011.
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34. M. Ould Moussa, Z. Moumni, O. Doaré, C. Touzé, and W. Zaki : Nonlinear oscillations and chaotic response of Shape Memory Alloys, 4th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference, Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece, Juin 2011.
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33. M. Ould Moussa, O. Doaré, C. Touzé, A. Sbarra and Z. Moumni : Dynamique non linéaire d'un oscillateur à mémoire de forme, 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon, Aout 2011.
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32. F. Blanc, K. Ege, C. Touzé, J.-F. Mercier and A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia : Sur le calcul numérique des modes non-linéaires, 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon, Aout 2011.
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31. M. Monteil, C. Touzé, O. Thomas and J. Frelat: Vibrations non linéaires de steelpans : couplages modaux via la résonance interne 1:2:2, 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Besançon, Aout 2011.
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30. C. Touzé, O. Thomas and M. Amabili : Forced vibrations of circular plates: from periodic to chaotic motions, ASME/IDETC 2010 (International Design Engineering Technical Conference), Montreal, Québec, Canada, 15-18 Aout 2010.
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29. O. Thomas, A. Lazarus and C. Touzé : A harmonic-based method for computing the stability of periodic oscillations of nonlinear structural systems, ASME/IDETC 2010 (International Design Engineering Technical Conference), Montreal, Québec, Canada, 15-18 Aout 2010.
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28. C. Touzé, S. Bilbao, L. Longo-Mucciante, O. Cadot et A. Boudaoud : Vibrations chaotiques de plaques minces: application aux instruments de type cymbale, 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique (CFA 10), Lyon, 12-16 Avril 2010.
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27. O. Thomas, L. Nicu et C. Touzé : Flambage et vibrations non-linéaires d'une plaque stratifiée piézoélectrique. Application à un capteur de masse MEMS, 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Marseille, Août 2009.
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27. O. Cadot, A. Boudaoud et C. Touzé : Dépendance de la nature du forçage sur la statistique de la puissance injectée dans une plaque mise en vibration chaotique, Rencontres du non-linéaire, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, Mars 2009.
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26. C. Touzé, C. Camier and O. Thomas : Type of non-linearity of damped imperfect plates using non-linear normal modes, ENOC-2008, European Non-linear Dynamics conference, Saint-Petersbourg, Russia, July 2008.
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25. O. Thomas, L. Nicu, C. Ayela and C. Touzé : Buckling and non-linear vibrations of a MEMS biosensor, ENOC-2008, European Non-linear Dynamics conference, Saint-Petersbourg, Russia, July 2008.
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24. C. Camier, C. Touzé et O. Thomas : Effet des imperfections géométriques sur les vibrations non-linéaires de plaques circulaires minces, 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Grenoble, Aout 2007.
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23. C. Touzé, M. Amabili, O. Thomas and C. Camier: Reduction of geometrically non-linear models of shell vibrations including in-plane inertia, Proc. EUROMECH Colloquium No. 483, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, Juillet 2007.
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22. O. Thomas, L. Nicu, C. Ayela and C. Touzé: Buckling and non-linear vibrations of a piezoelectric stratified plate -- Application to a MEMS biosensor, Proc. EUROMECH Colloquium No. 483, FEUP, Porto, Portugal, Juillet 2007.
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21. O. Thomas, L. Nicu, C. Ayela et C. Touzé: Flambage et vibrations non-linéaires d'une plaque stratifiée piézoélectrique. Application à un biocapteur MEMS. Proc. of 8ème colloque national en calcul de structures, Giens, Mai 2007.
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20. M. Amabili, C. Touzé and O. Thomas: Comparison of Galerkin, POD and Non-linear normal modes models for nonlinear vibrations of circular cylindrical shells , ASME IMECE 2006, International Mech. Engin. Congress and Exposition, Chicago, Illinois USA, November 2006.
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19. C. Touzé, M. Amabili and O. Thomas: reduced-order models for damped geometrically non-linear vibrations of thin shells via real normal form , Second International Conference on Non-Linear Normal Modes and Localization, Samos, June 2006.
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18. O. Thomas and C. Touzé: Large-amplitude forced vibrations of thin shallow spherical shells: reduced-order models at resonance and mode coupling , Second International Conference on Non-Linear Normal Modes and Localization, Samos, June 2006.
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17. C. Touzé and O. Thomas: Type of non-linearity of shallow spherical shells using non-linear normal modes , Fifth Euromech Non-linear Dynamics Conference (ENOC 2005), paper No. 06-007, pp. 852-861, Eindhoven, Aout 2005.
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16. O. Thomas, E. Luminais and C. Touzé : Non-linear modal interactions in free-edge thin spherical shells: measurements of a 1:1:2 internal resonance , Third MIT Conference on computational fluid and solid mechanics, Boston, Juin 2005.
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15. O. Thomas, C. Touzé et E. Luminais : Modèles réduits de structures minces en vibrations non-linéaires , Proc. of colloque national en calcul de structures, Giens, Mai 2005.
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14. C. Touzé and O. Thomas : Reduced-order modeling for a cantilever beam subjected to harmonic forcing , Proc. of EUROMECH 457: "Nonlinear modes of vibrating systems", Fréjus, June 7-9, 2004.
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13. A. Chaigne, C. Touzé and O. Thomas : Mechanical models of musical instruments and sound synthesis: the case of gongs and cymbals , Proc. of ISMA 2004, Nara, Japon, Avril 2004.
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12. C. Touzé et O. Thomas : Modes normaux non-linéaires de systèmes continus , 16eme congrès français de Mécanique, Nice, septembre 2003.
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11. C. Touzé, O. Thomas and A. Chaigne : Non-linear oscillations of continuous systems with quadratic and cubic non-linearities using non-linear normal modes , Second MIT Conference on computational fluid and solid mechanics, Boston, Juin 2003.
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10. C. Touzé and O. Thomas : Determination of non-linear normal modes for conservative systems , Ninth ICSV, Orlando, Juillet 2002.
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9. A. Chaigne, M. Fontaine, O. Thomas, M. Ferré and C. Touzé : Vibrations of shallow spherical shells and gongs: a comparative study , Forum Acusticum, Séville, 2002.

8. C. Touzé, P. Lanchantin, A. Chaigne et O. Thomas : Transferts d'énergie par couplage modal : étude d'un cas particulier , Actes du sixième congrès français d'Acoustique, papier No. 269, pp. 558-563, Lille, Avril 2002.
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7. O. Thomas, C. Touzé et A. Chaigne : Sur la vibration à un mode asymétrique des plaques circulaires en grands déplacements , Actes du congrès français de Mécanique, Nancy, sept. 2001.

6. O. Thomas, C. Touzé and A. Chaigne : Non-linear behaviour of gongs through the dynamics of simple rods systems, Proceedings of the ISMA, Perugia (Italie), sept. 2001.
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5. A. Chaigne, C. Touzé and O.Thomas : Non-linear axisymmetric vibrations of gongs, Proceedings of the ISMA, Perugia (Italie), sept. 2001.
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4. C. Touzé, F. Orphelin and A. Chaigne : Application of prediction methods to non-linear percussion instruments , Proceedings of ICSV7, Juillet 2000.
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3. O. Thomas, C. Touzé and A. Chaigne : Non-linear resonances in large-deflection vibrations of free-edge circular plates , Proceedings of ICSV7, Juillet 2000.

2. C. Touzé et D. Matignon : Techniques d'ordre supérieur pour l'élimination d'exposants de Lyapunov fallacieux , Rencontres du Non-linéaire, IHP, Editions Paris Onze, pp. 87-92, Mars 2000.
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1. C. Touzé, A. Chaigne, T. Rossing and S. Schedin : Analysis of cymbal vibrations using non-linear signal processing tools , Proceedings of the ISMA, pp. 377-382, 1998.
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Habilitation thesis / Habilitation à diriger les recherches (HDR)

Vibrations non linéaires géométriques de structures minces : Modèles d'ordre réduit et transition vers le chaos.

Habilitation à diriger les recherches (HDR) délivrée par l'université paris 6,
soutenue le 30 Novembre 2009, devant le jury composé de:
M. Christophe Pierre, rapporteur
M. Michel Potier-Ferry, rapporteur
M. Jean Kergomard, rapporteur
M. Claude-Henri Lamarque, examinateur
M. Jean-Baptiste Leblond, examinateur
M. Jean-Jacques Marigo, examinateur

Document de synthèse : 50 pages, format PDF, 1,1M.

Document complet : article de synthèse plus 6 publications, 196 pages, format PDF, 24M.

Misc. / Publication interne, thèse

C. Touzé : A normal form approach for non-linear normal modes , Publications du LMA, numéro 156, (ISSN: 1159-0947, ISBN: 2-909669-20-3), Marseille, Janvier 2003.
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Manuscrit de thèse : Analyse et modélisation de signaux acoustiques et vibratoires chaotiques. Application aux instruments de percussion non-linéaires.
Thèse de doctorat de l'Université paris 6 Soutenue le 27 Novembre 2000 devant le jury composé de M. Werner Lauterborn, Président, M. Olivier Michel, rapporteur, M. Vincent Gibiat, rapporteur, M. Paul Manneville, examinateur, M. Stéphane Zaleski, examinateur, M. Antoine Chaigne, directeur de thèse.