Recommended Publications

Technical Feasibility of Supervision of Stretching Exercises by a Humanoid Robot Coach for Chronic Low Back Pain: The R-COOL Randomized Trial
Agathe Blanchard, Sao Mai Nguyen, Maxime Devanne, Mathieu Simonnet, Myriam Le Goff-Pronost, and Olivier Remy-Neris (2022)
BioMed Research International, 2022, 1--10
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Humanoid robot coach monitor patients during physical exercises to give them feedback: medical and user evaluation.

Intrinsically Motivated Open-Ended Multi-Task Learning Using Transfer Learning to Discover Task Hierarchy
Nicolas Duminy, Sao Mai Nguyen, Junshuai Zhu, Dominique Duhaut, and Jerome Kerdreux (2021)
Applied Sciences, 11, (3).
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Active learning combines curiosity with goal-based RL and imitation for hierarchical tasks by automatic curriculum learning.
Using Language Model to Bootstrap Human Activity Recognition Ambient Sensors Based in Smart Homes
Damien Bouchabou, Sao Mai Nguyen, Christophe Lohr, Benoit LeDuc, and Ioannis Kanellos (2021)
Electronics, 10, (20).
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NLP embeddings with bi-LSTM encode context-aware semantic for long-term dependencies in human activity recognition.

A Survey of Human Activity Recognition in Smart Homes Based on IoT Sensors Algorithms: Taxonomies, Challenges, and Opportunities with Deep Learning
Damien Bouchabou, Sao Mai Nguyen, Christophe Lohr, Benoit LeDuc, and Ioannis Kanellos (2021)
Sensors, 21, (18). 6037
[ bib ]
Review of deep learning and traditional algorithms for recognition of activities of daily living from smart home sensors.

Active choice of teachers, learning strategies and goals for a socially guided intrinsic motivation learner
Sao Mai Nguyen and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (2012)
Paladyn Journal of Behavioural Robotics, 3, (3). 136-146
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Robot learner combines goal-oriented RL and imitation learning to actively choose what, when to learn, what, when and whom to imitate for multi-task learning by curiosity-based autonomous curriculum learning.

Socially Guided Intrinsic Motivation for Robot Learning of Motor Skills
Sao Mai Nguyen and Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (2014)
Autonomous Robots, 36, (3). 273-294
[ bib ]
Robot learner combines goal-oriented RL and imitation learning to actively choose what, when to learn, what, when and whom to imitate for parametrized tasks by curiosity-based autonomous curriculum learning.

Journal Articles

International Conferences with Proceedings

Book chapters

Other International Presentations

Theses and Reports

Invited Talks

In the press

  • "Seminaire sur l'intelligence artificielle", Le 20 Heures de RTI 1 du 09 mai 2019 par Fatou Fofana Camara, 09/05/2019 [Link]
  • "Des robots pour le maintien a domicile", Tebeo, TV Residences, 20/03/19 [Link]
  • I was interviewed by the radio RCF for their daily news [ Link]
  • "A l’IMT Atlantique, la recherche en santé veut révolutionner le quotidien des patients". Usine nouvelle, 22/10/2018. [ Link ]
  • Invited speaker with 100 scientific experts by the Vietnamese departments of Innovation and Investment, Science and Technology to meet the president, prime minister and ministers and give a talk on robotics research [ Link Link Link ]
  • "Maintien@domicile. La technologie en appui". Le Télégramme, 11/07/17 [ Link]
  • "La technologie au service du handicap". Hit West, 11/06/17 [ Link]
  • "Maintien à domicile. A Lorient, l’université planche sur les besoins". Ouest France, 11/06/17 [Link]
  • "Et curiosité". Sciences et Vie, 10/17 [Article, Link]
  • "Un robot pour accompagner les lombalgiques". Kiné Actualité n. 1493, 06/15/17 [ Article, Link]
  • "Un robot pour assister les kinésithérapeutes". Coté Brest, 03/06/17 [Article, Link]
  • "Poppy, le robot qui soigne les dos". Ouest-France, 03/06/2017 [Article, Link]
  • "Kinés. Bientôt un robot à la rescousse". Le Télégramme, 03/03/2017 [Article, Link]
  • "Cap sur l'intelligence artificielle". Le Télégramme - Forum, 03/02/2017 [Article, Link]
  • "Intelligence artificielle : la curiosité enfantine comme moteur d’apprentissage:. I'MTech, 2016/07/25 [Link]
  • "Intelligences Artificielles. Quelles promesses? Quels défis?". Cahier de veille de la Fondation Télécom, 28/06/16 [Article, Link]
  • "Le numérique contre la dépendance". Sillage, 09/17 [Article, Link]
  • Au japon, les robots font du théâtre. Le Monde, Nov 2008 [Link ]
  • "Actor robots take japanese stage. BBC, November 2008 [Link ]
  • "Wakamaru’s latest gig: distraught thespian, clothes rack. Engadget, November 2008 [Link]
  • "Household bot makes theatrical debut. Cnet, November 2008 [Link]
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Last updated on 2021/12/26
Sao Mai Nguyen