- L. Chesnel, H. Haddar, H. Li, J. Xiao, Examples of non-scattering inhomogeneities, soumis, 2024. [PDF]
- L. Bourgeois, L. Chesnel, Generalized impedance boundary conditions with vanishing or sign-changing impedance, SIAM J. Math. Anal., vol. 56, 3:4223-4251, 2024. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, S.A. Nazarov, J. Taskinen, Spectrum of the Laplacian with mixed boundary conditions in a chamfered quarter of layer, J. Spectr. Theory, vol. 14, 1:37-57, 2024. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, S.A. Nazarov, On the breathing of spectral bands in periodic quantum waveguides with inflating resonators, soumis, 2023. [PDF]
- A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, M. Rihani, Maxwell's equations with hypersingularities at a negative index material conical tip, soumis, 2023. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, S.A. Nazarov, Spectrum of the Dirichlet Laplacian in a thin cubic lattice, Math. Mod. Num. Anal., vol. 57, 3251-3273, 2023. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, J. Heleine, S.A. Nazarov, J. Taskinen, Acoustic waveguide with a dissipative inclusion, Math. Mod. Num. Anal., vol. 57, 3585-3613, 2023. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, J. Heleine, S.A. Nazarov, Acoustic passive cloaking using thin outer resonators, ZAMP, vol. 73, 98, 2022. [PDF]
- A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, M. Rihani, Maxwell's equations with hypersingularities at a conical plasmonic tip, J. Math. Pures Appl., vol. 161, 70-110, 2022. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, J. Heleine, S.A. Nazarov, Design of a mode converter using thin resonant ligaments, Comm. Math. Sci., vol. 20, 2:25-445, 2022. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, S.A. Nazarov, Design of an acoustic energy distributor using thin resonant slits, Proc. R. Soc. A., vol. 477, 2247:20200896, 2021. [PDF] [Code]
- L. Chesnel, S.A. Nazarov, Abnormal acoustic transmission in a waveguide with perforated screens, C. R. Mécanique, vol. 349, 1:9-19, 2021. [PDF]
- L. Audibert, L. Chesnel, H. Haddar, K. Napal, Qualitative indicator functions for imaging crack networks using acoustic waves, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., vol. 43, 2:B271-B297, 2021. [PDF]
- A. Bera, A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, A continuation method for building invisible obstacles in waveguides, Q. J. Mech. Appl. Math., vol. 74, 1:83-116, 2021. [PDF]
- R. Bunoiu, L. Chesnel, K. Ramdani, M. Rihani, Homogenization of Maxwell's equations and related scalar problems with sign-changing coefficients, accepté dans Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse, Mathématiques, 2020. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, S.A. Nazarov, Exact zero transmission during the Fano resonance phenomenon in non symmetric waveguides, ZAMP, vol. 71, 82, 2020. [PDF]
- L. Bourgeois, L. Chesnel, On quasi-reversibility solutions to the Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation: regularity and error estimates, Math. Mod. Num. Anal., vol. 54, 493-529, 2020. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, S.A. Nazarov, J. Taskinen, Surface waves in a channel with thin tunnels and wells at the bottom: non-reflecting underwater topography, Asympt. Anal., vol. 118, 1-2:81-122, 2020. [PDF]
- L. Bourgeois, L. Chesnel, S. Fliss, On well-posedness of time-harmonic problems in an unbounded strip for a thin plate model, Comm. Math. Sci., vol. 17, 6:1487-1529, 2019. [PDF]
- L. Audibert, L. Chesnel, H. Haddar, Inside-outside duality with artificial backgrounds, Inverse problems, vol. 35, 10:104008, 2019. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, V. Pagneux, From zero transmission to trapped modes in waveguides, J. Phys. A Math. Theor., vol. 52, 16:165304, 2019. [PDF]
- L. Audibert, L. Chesnel, H. Haddar, K. Napal, Detecting sound hard cracks in isotropic inhomogeneities, Advances in Acoustics and Vibration II. ICAV 2018. Applied Condition
Monitoring, Springer, pp.61-73, 2019. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, S.A. Nazarov, Non reflection and perfect reflection via Fano resonance in waveguides, Comm. Math. Sci., vol. 16, 7:1779-1800, 2018. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, S.A. Nazarov, V. Pagneux, Invisibility and perfect reflectivity in waveguides with finite length branches, SIAM J. Appl. Math., vol. 78, 4:2176-2199, 2018. [PDF]
- A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, V. Pagneux, Trapped modes and reflectionless modes as eigenfunctions of the same spectral problem, Proc. R. Soc. A, vol. 474, 2213:20180050, 2018. [PDF]
- L. Audibert, L. Chesnel, H. Haddar, Transmission eigenvalues with artificial background for explicit material index identification, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, vol. 356, 6:626-631, 2018. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, V. Pagneux, Simple examples of perfectly invisible and trapped modes in waveguides, Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math., vol. 71, 3:297-315, 2018. [PDF]
- A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, S.A. Nazarov, Perfect transmission invisibility for waveguides with sound hard walls, J. Math. Pures Appl., vol. 111, 79-105, 2018. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, X. Claeys, S.A. Nazarov, Small obstacle asymptotics for a 2D semi-linear convex problem, Appl. Anal., vol. 97, 6:962-981, 2018.[PDF]
- L. Chesnel, X. Claeys, S.A. Nazarov, Oscillating behaviour of the spectrum for a plasmonic problem in a domain with a rounded corner, Math. Mod. Num. Anal., vol. 52, 4:1285-1313, 2018. [PDF]
- C. Carvalho, L. Chesnel, P. Ciarlet Jr., Eigenvalue problems with sign-changing coefficients, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, vol. 355, 6:671-675, 2017. [PDF]
- A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, C. Carvalho, L. Chesnel, P. Ciarlet Jr., On the use of Perfectly Matched Layers at corners for scattering problems with sign-changing coefficients, Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 322, 224-247, 2016. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, S.A. Nazarov, Team organization may help swarms of flies to become invisible, Inverse Problens and Imaging, vol. 10, 4:977-1006, 2016. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, X. Claeys, A numerical approach for the Poisson equation in a planar domain with a small inclusion, BIT Numerical Mathematics, vol. 56, 4:1237-1256, 2016. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, Bilaplacian problems with a sign-changing coefficient, Math. Meth. Appl. Sci., vol. 39, 4964-4979, 2016. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, N. Hyvönen, S. Staboulis, Construction of invisible conductivity perturbations for the point electrode model in electrical impedance tomography, SIAM J. Appl. Math., vol. 75, 5:2093-2109, 2015. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, X. Claeys, S.A. Nazarov, Spectrum of a diffusion operator with coefficient changing sign over a small inclusion, ZAMP, vol. 66, 5:2173-2196, 2015. [PDF]
- A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, S.A. Nazarov, Non-scattering wavenumbers and far field invisibility for a finite set of incident/scattering directions, Inverse problems, vol. 31, 045006, 2015. [PDF]
- A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, P. Ciarlet Jr., T-coercivity for the Maxwell problem with sign-changing coefficients, Comm. Partial Differential Equations, vol. 39, 06:1007-1031, 2014. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, X. Claeys, S.A. Nazarov, A curious instability phenomenon for a rounded corner in presence of a negative material, Asympt. Anal., vol. 88, 1-2:43-74, 2014. [PDF]
- A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, P. Ciarlet Jr., Two-dimensional Maxwell's equations with sign-changing coefficients, Appl. Numer. Math., vol. 79, 29-41, 2014. [PDF]
- A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, Strongly oscillating singularities for the interior transmission eigenvalue problem, Inverse problems, vol. 29, 104004, 2013. [PDF]
- A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, X. Claeys, Radiation condition for a non-smooth interface between a dielectric and a metamaterial, Math. Models Meth. App. Sci., vol. 23, 9:1629-1662, 2013. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, P. Ciarlet Jr., T-coercivity and continuous Galerkin methods: application to transmission problems with sign changing coefficients, Numer. Math., vol. 124, 1:1-29, 2013. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, Interior transmission eigenvalue problem for Maxwell's equations: the T-coercivity as an alternative approach, Inverse problems, vol. 28, 6:065005, 2012. [PDF]
- A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, P. Ciarlet Jr., T-coercivity for scalar interface problems between dielectrics and metamaterials, Math. Mod. Num. Anal., vol. 46, pp. 1363-1387, 2012. [PDF]
- A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, H. Haddar, On the use of T-coercivity to study the Interior Transmission Eigenvalue Problem, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, vol 349. 11-12:647-651, 2011. [PDF]
- L. Chesnel, P. Ciarlet Jr., Compact imbeddings in electromagnetism with interfaces between classical materials and meta-materials, SIAM J. Math. Anal., vol. 43, pp. 2150-2169, 2011. [PDF]
- On the breathing of spectral bands in periodic quantum waveguides with inflating resonators, L. Chesnel, S.A. Nazarov, Waves conference, Berlin, Juillet 2024. [PDF]
- Transparent boundary conditions in electromagnetic waveguides, A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, S. Fliss, A. Parigaux, Waves conference, Berlin, Juillet 2024.
- Design of a mode converter using thin resonant ligaments, L. Chesnel, J. Heleine, S.A. Nazarov, Waves conference, Palaiseau, Août 2022. [PDF]
- 3D scalar transmission problem in presence of a conical tip of negative material, A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, M. Rihani, Waves conference, Palaiseau, Août 2022.
- Exact zero transmission during the Fano resonance phenomenon in non symmetric waveguides, L. Chesnel, S.A. Nazarov, Waves conference, Vienna, Août 2019. [PDF]
- Invisible floating objects, L. Chesnel, M. Rhiani, Waves conference, Vienna, Août 2019. [PDF]
- Crack monitoring using transmission eigenvalues with artificial backgrounds, Audibert, L. Chesnel, H. Haddar, K. Napal, Waves conference, Vienna, Août 2019. [PDF]
- Invisibility and complete reflectivity in waveguides with finite length branches, L. Chesnel, S.A. Nazarov, V. Pagneux, Waves conference, Minneapolis, Mai 2017. [PDF]
- Non-scattering wavenumbers and far field invisibility for a finite set of incident/scattering directions, A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, S.A. Nazarov, Waves conference, Karlsruhe, Juillet 2015. [PDF]
- Surface Plasmon Resonances on Cones and Wedges, L. Chesnel, H. Hakula, H. Kettunen, A. Sihvola, H. Wallén, 8th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, IEEE, Metamaterials' 2014, pp. 163-165, Copenhague, Août 2014.
- Plasmonic cavity modes: black-hole phenomena captured by Perfectly Matched Layers, A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, C. Carvalho, L. Chesnel, P. Ciarlet Jr., PIERS, Stockholm, Août 2013.
- Plasmonic cavity modes with sign changing permittivity material, A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, C. Carvalho, L. Chesnel, P. Ciarlet Jr., X. Claeys, Waves conference, Tunis, Juin 2013. [PDF]
- A curious instability phenomenon for a rounded corner in presence of a negative material, L. Chesnel, X. Claeys, S.A. Nazarov, Waves conference, Tunis, Juin 2013. [PDF]
- Negative materials and corners in electromagnetism, A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, C. Carvalho, L. Chesnel, P. Ciarlet Jr., X. Claeys, S.A. Nazarov, Report No.3/2013 of Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach "Computational Electromagnetism and Acoustics", Oberwolfach, Janvier 2013. [PDF]
- Interior transmission eigenvalue problem and T-coercivity, A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, H. Haddar, Picof conference, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, Avril 2012. [PDF]
- Radiation condition for a non-smooth interface between a dielectric and a metamaterial, A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia, L. Chesnel, X. Claeys, Waves conference, Vancouver, Juillet 2011. [PDF]