The course is divided into two parts in which decision problems are modelled by logical formula for which efficient algorithms are presented to prove satisfiability or not:
- Propositional logic with an emphasis on Artificial Intelligence.
- First order logic with an emphasis on System verification.
The course will take place at Ecole polytechnique in Room PC1 except when indicated otherwise in the schedule.
General information on the course
Final evaluation
The final evaluation will be performed with the presentation of a scientific papers.
Clicking the title of the week’s lecture will go to a PDF, embedded in the user’s browser, by default.
Week 1 (January 11, 2024 (Room: Turing building)),
Propositional logic and modelling
-- Practical work sheet
-- Solutions
Teacher: Alexandre Chapoutot
Summary: This lecture aims at introducting (recalling) basic elements on propositional logic and showing some examples on how to encode decision problems with Boolean formula.
MCQ of the week open from November 30, 2022 at 12h00 to December 2, 2022 at 12h (Paris time) -
Week 2 (January 18, 2024),
Algorithms into SAT solvers
-- Practical work sheet
-- Solutions
Teacher: Alexandre Chapoutot
Summary: This lecture aims at presenting the main algorithms (namely DPLL and CDCL) to solve satisfiability problems of Boolean formula.
MCQ of the week open from December 7, 2022 at 12h00 to December 9, 2022 at 12h (Paris time) -
Week 3 (January 14, 2022 (Room: PC02)),
AI applications
-- Practical work sheet
Teacher: Alexandre Chapoutot
Summary: This lecture aims at presenting several AI applications of Boolean formula models for decision problems.
MCQ of the week open from December 14, 2022 at 12h00 to December 16, 2022 at 12h (Paris time) -
Week 4 (January 4, 2023),
First order logic and modelling
-- Practical work sheet
(Practical work material)
Teacher: Sergio Mover
Summary: This lecture aims at introducing (recalling) first order logic and showing some examples on how to encode decision problems with first-order logic formula.
MCQ of the week open from January 4, 2023 at 12h00 to January 6, 2023 at 12h (Paris time) -
Week 5 (January 11, 2023),
Equality and Uninterpreted Functions (EUF) Theory
-- Practical work sheet
(Practical work material)
Teacher: Sergio Mover
Summary: This lecture aims at presenting theory solver for EUF theory.
MCQ of the week open from January 11, 2023 at 12h00 to January 13, 2023 at 12h (Paris time) -
Week 6 (January 18, 2023),
Linear (Real/Integer) Artithmetic Theories
-- Practical work sheet
(Practical work material)
Teacher: Sergio Mover
Summary: This lecture aims at presenting theory solvers for linear arithmetic focusing on real and integer artithmetics.
MCQ of the week open from January 18, 2023 at 12h00 to January 20, 2023 at 12h (Paris time) -
Week 7 (January 25, 2023),
System Verification Applications
-- Practical work sheet
(Practical work material)
Teacher: Sergio Mover
Summary: This lecture aims at presenting several system verification applications with first order formula.
MCQ of the week open from January 25, 2023 at 12h00 to January 28, 2023 at 12h (Paris time) -
Week 8 (February 1, 2023),
Teacher: Alexandre Chapoutot and Sergio Mover
Summary: Final evaluation by an oral presentation of a scientific paper.