November, 25; December, 4; December, 9. A tour d'horizon in quantum variational algorithms, CNAM, Sorbonne, and Ecole Polytechnique, (respectively), France.
April, 5. Flexible Optimization, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.
October, 5. Influencing Influencers with Game Theory and B/LMIs, GIPSA-Lab, Grenoble, France.
June, 28. Optimisation Filters for Stochastic Time-Varying Convex Optimisation, INSA Lyon, France.
June, 27. Variational Algorithms to Solve Hard Combinatorial Problems: What can we reasonably expect?, Aix Marseille Université, Marseille, France.
May, 4. Personalized Optimization for Cyber-Physical and Social Systems, IMT Lucca, Italy.
October, 10. Personalized Optimization for Cyber-Physical and Social Systems, Seminaire Parisien d'Optimisation, Paris, France.
October, 6. Personalized Optimization in a Time-Varying World, Learning and Optimization in Luminy (LOL), Marseille, France.
February, 10. A Quantum Algorithm for the Sub-Graph Isomorphism Problem, Journées Franciliennes de Recherche Operationnelle, Evry, France.
May, 27. Personalized Optimization for Cyber-Physical and Social Systems, University of Belfast, UK (virtual).
January, 19. Personalized Optimization in a Time-Varying World, CentraleSupelec, France (virtual).
October, 18. Personalized Optimization in a Time-Varying World, Centre for Operational Research, Management Sciences and Information Systems; event: "OptML: Optimization and Machine Learning", University of Southampton, UK.
June, 18. Data‐Driven Optimization in Power Systems, DTU CEE Summer School 2019 on "Data-Driven Analytics and Optimization for Energy Systems", 17-21 June 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark (https://energy-markets-school.dk/).[video]
May, 29. Personalized Optimization in a Time-Varying World, University of Bologna, Italy, guest of Prof. G. Notarstefano.
January, 10. Time-Varying Optimization for Power Systems, Invited talk in the workshop: Flexible operation and advanced control for energy systems, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK.[video]
October, 16. Time-Varying Convex Optimization: theory, algorithms, applications, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, guest of Prof. G. Leus, as a PhD committee member for the PhD thesis of (now) Dr. Venkat Roy.
August, 25. Prediction-Correction and Correction-only Methods for Time-Varying Convex Optimization: theory, algorithms, applications, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, guest of Prof. D. Leith.
February, 1. Prediction-Correction Methods for Time-Varying Convex Optimization, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, guest of Dr. S. Chatzinotas and Prof. B. Ottersten.
November, 30. Prediction-Correction Methods for Time-Varying Convex Optimization, UCLouvain, Belgium, guest of Prof. R. Jungers.
October, 21. Prediction-Correction Methods for Time-Varying Convex Optimization, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, guest of Prof. M. Farina.
April, 27. Distributed Time-Varying Optimization, KTH- The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, guest of Dr. E. Ghadimi.
March, 30. Time-Varying Convex Optimization and Solution Tracking, Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France, guest of Prof. G. Richard.
Ferbuary, 6. Distributed Time-Varying Optimization, ESE- University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA, guest of Prof. A. Ribeiro.
April, 30. Distributed Optimization: current capabilities and challenges, EEMCS- Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, guest of Dr. A. Pruteanu.
March, 6. Cooperative Robotics, Faculty of Architecture- Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, guest of Dr. H. Bier.
October, 17. Distributed Sequential Convex Programming for Robotic Networks, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences- University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, guest of Prof. C. De Persis and Dr. M. Cao.
October, 9. Distributed Optimization for Robotic Networks, CWI- Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, guest of Prof. M. Laurent and Prof. H. Buhrman.
September, 19. Distributed Optimization with Applications to Localization Problems, EEMCS- Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, guest of Prof. G. Leus.
September, 13. Distributed Optimization for Robotics: SDP approaches and open problems, KTH- The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, guest of Prof. M. Johansson.
January, 19. Distributed Maximization of the Algebraic Connectivity in Robotic Networks, EEMCS- Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, guest of Dr. K. Muthukrishnan.