
[Google Scholar] [arXiv] [Hal] [Orcid]

Recent Publications (retrieved from Hal)

Older works and patents

Magazine/overview Papers

  1. Quantum computing for Finance: state of the art and future prospects
    D. J. Egger, C. Gambella, et al.
    IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, October 2020. [IEEE Open Access]

  2. Time-Varying Convex Optimization: Time-Structured Algorithms and Applications
    A. Simonetto, E. Dall'Anese, S. Paternain, G. Leus, and G. B. Giannakis
    Proceedings of the IEEE, vol 108 (11), pages 2032-2048, 2020. [arXiv: 2006.08500v1]

  3. Optimization and Learning with Information Streams: Time-varying Algorithms and Applications
    E. Dall'Anese, A. Simonetto, S. Becker, L. Madden
    IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, May 2020. [arXiv: 1910.08123v1]

Journal Papers

  1. Formulating and Solving Routing Problems on Quantum Computers
    S. Harwood, C. Gambella, D. Trenev, A. Simonetto, D. Bernal, D. Greenberg
    IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, 2021.

  2. Multi-block ADMM Heuristics for Mixed-Binary Optimization on Classical and Quantum Computers
    C. Gambella, A. Simonetto
    IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, 2021. [arXiv: 2001.02069v1] [IEEExplore Open Access]

  3. A City-Scale IoT-Enabled Ridesharing Platform
    C. Gambella, J. Monteil, A. Dekusar, S. Cabrero Barros, A. Simonetto, Y. Lassoued
    Transportation Letters, vol.12 (10), pages 706 - 712, 2020. [arXiv: 1912.00648v1] [link]

  4. Dynamic Distribution State Estimation Using Synchrophasor Data
    J. Song, E. Dall'Anese, A. Simonetto, H. Zhu
    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 11 (1), pages 821 - 831, 2020. [arXiv: 1901.02554v1]

  5. Prediction-Correction Splittings for Time-Varying Optimization With Intermittent Observations
    N. Bastianello, A. Simonetto, R. Carli
    IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 4 (2),  pages 373 - 378, 2020. [link]

  6. On the Needs for MaaS Platforms to Handle Competition in Ridesharing Mobility
    V. Pandey, J. Monteil, C. Gambella, A. Simonetto
    Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 108 (11), pages 269 - 288, 2019. [arXiv: 1906.07567v1] [link]

  7. On the Convergence of the Inexact Running Krasnosel'skii-Mann Method
    E. Dall'Anese, A. Simonetto, A. Bernstein
    IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 3 (3), pages 613 - 618, 2019. [arXiv: 1904.08469v1]

  8. Real-time City-scale Ridesharing via Linear Assignment Problems
    A. Simonetto, J. Monteil, C. Gambella
    Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 101 (4), pages 208 - 232, 2019. [link] [arXiv: 1902.10676v1]

  9. Online Primal-Dual Methods with Measurement Feedback for Time-Varying Convex Optimization
    A. Bernstein, E. Dall'Anese, A. Simonetto
    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 67 (8), pages 1978 - 1991, 2019. [was "online optimization with feedback"] [arXiv: 1804.05159v1]

  10. Dual Prediction-Correction Methods for Linearly Constrained Time-Varying Convex Programs
    A. Simonetto
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 64 (8), pages 3355 - 3361, 2019. [arXiv: 1709.05850v2]

  11. Probabilistic Occupancy Counts and Flight Criticality Measures in Air Traffic Management
    F. Gonze, E. Huens, R. M. Jungers, A. Simonetto, and J. Boucquey
    AIAA Journal of Air Transportation, vol. 26 (3), pages 94 - 103, 2018 [link]

  12. An Incentive-based Online Optimization Framework for Distribution Grids
    X. Zhou, E. Dall'Anese, L. Chen, and A. Simonetto
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 63 (7), pages 2019 - 2031, 2018. [arXiv: 1705.01482v1]

  13. Spatio-Temporal Field Estimation Using Kriged Kalman Filter (KKF) with Sparsity-Enforcing Sensor Placement
    V. Roy, A. Simonetto, G. Leus
    Sensors, vol. 18 (6), pages 1868 - 1881, pages 1 - 20, 2018. [link OA]

  14. Optimal Regulation of Virtual Power Plants
    E. Dall’Anese, S. Guggilam, A. Simonetto, Y. C. Chen, and S. V. Dhople
    IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 33 (2), pages 1868 - 1881, 2018.

  15. Optimal Power Flow Pursuit
    E. Dall'Anese and A. Simonetto
    IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 9 (2), pages 942 - 952, 2018. (accepted and published online since 2016) [arXiv: 1601.07263v4]

  16. Prediction-Correction Algorithms for Time-Varying Constrained Optimization
    A. Simonetto and E. Dall'Anese
    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 65 (20), pages 5481 - 5494, 2017. [arXiv: 1611.03681v2]

  17. Decentralized Prediction-Correction Methods for Networked Time-Varying Convex Optimization
    A. Simonetto, A. Koppel, A. Mokhtari, G. Leus, and A. Ribeiro
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 62 (11), pages 5724 - 5738, 2017. [arXiv: 1602.01716v2]

  18. Filtering Random Graph Processes Over Random Time-Varying Graphs
    E. Isufi, A. Loukas, A. Simonetto, and G. Leus
    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 65 (16), pages 4406 - 4421, 2017. [arXiv: 1705.00442v1]

  19. Consistent Sensor, Relay, and Link Selection in Wireless Sensor Networks
    R. Arroyo-Valles, A. Simonetto, and G. Leus
    Elsevier Signal Processing, vol. 140, pages 32 - 44, 2017. [arXiv: 1705.02298v1]

  20. Autoregressive Moving Average Graph Filtering
    E. Isufi, A. Loukas, A. Simonetto, and G. Leus
    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 65 (2), pages 274 - 288, 2017. [arXiv: 1602.04436v2, appeared also as Distributed Time-Varying Graph Filtering]

  21. A Class of Prediction-Correction Methods for Time-Varying Convex Optimization
    A. Simonetto, A. Mokhtari, A. Koppel, G. Leus, and A. Ribeiro
    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 64 (17), pages 4576 - 4591, 2016. [arXiv: 1509.05196v2]

  22. Spatio-Temporal Sensor Management for Environmental Field Estimation
    V. Roy, A. Simonetto, and G. Leus,
    Elsevier Signal Processing, vol. 128, pages 369 – 381, 2016. [preprint]

  23. Primal Recovery from Consensus-Based Dual Decomposition for Distributed Convex Optimization
    A. Simonetto and H. Jamali-Rad,
    Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, vol. 168, pages 172 – 197, 2016. [link: springer open access] [arXiv: 1503.07678v1]

  24. Distributed Autoregressive Moving Average Graph Filters
    A. Loukas, A. Simonetto, and G. Leus,
    IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 22 (11), pages 1931 – 1935, 2015.

  25. Distributed Sparsity-Aware Sensor Selection
    H. Jamali-Rad, A. Simonetto, X. Ma, and G. Leus
    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 63 (22), pages 5951 – 5964, 2015. [link]

  26. Design Optimization of a Deflectable Guidewire
    H.C.M. Clogenson, A. Simonetto, and J.J van den Dobbelsteen
    Elsevier Medical Engineering & Physics, vol. 37 (1), pages 138 - 144, 2015. [link]

  27. Distributed Maximum Likelihood Sensor Network Localization
    A. Simonetto and G. Leus
    IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 62 (6), pages 1424 - 1437, 2014. [link] [arXiv: 1309.2502v2]

  28. Sparsity-Aware Sensor Selection: Centralized and Distributed Algorithms
    H. Jamali-Rad, A. Simonetto, and G. Leus
    IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 21 (2), pages 217 - 220 , 2014. [link]

  29. Distributed Computation Particle Filters on GPU-architectures for Real-time Control Applications
    M. Chitchian, A. Simonetto, A. S. van Amesfoort, and T. Keviczky
    IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 21 (6), pages 2224 - 2238, 2013. [code]

  30. Constrained Distributed Algebraic Connectivity Maximization in Robotic Networks
    A. Simonetto, T. Keviczky, and R. Babuska
    Automatica, vol. 49 (5), pages 1348 - 1357, 2013. [link] [tech. report at arXiv:1206.3460v2]

  31. A Mars Communication Constellation for Human Exploration and Network Science
    F. Castellini, A. Simonetto, R. Martini, and M. Lavagna
    Advances in Space Research, vol. 45, pages 183 - 199, 2010. [link]

Chapters in Book

  1. Distributed Algebraic Connectivity Maximization for Robotic Networks: A Heuristic Approach
    A. Simonetto, T. Keviczky, and R. Babuska
    in the book: Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems, volume 83 of Springers Tracts in Advanced Robotics, pages 267 - 279, 2013. [link]

  2. Distributed Nonlinear Estimation for Diverse Sensor Devices
    A. Simonetto and T. Keviczky
    in the book: Distributed Decision Making and Control, volume 417 of LNCIS, pages 147 - 169, Springer, 2012. [link]

Conference Proceedings

  1. Smooth Strongly Convex Regression
    A. Simonetto
    In Proceedings of the 2020 European Signal Processing Conference (EuSiPCo), Virtual, January 2021. [arXiv: 2003.00771v1]

  2. Distributed Prediction-Correction ADMM for Time-Varying Convex Optimization
    N. Bastianello, A. Simonetto, R. Carli
    In Proceedings of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Virtual, November 2020. [arXiv: 2009.08335v1]

  3. Personalized Demand Response via Shape-Constrained Online Learning
    A. M. Ospina, A. Simonetto, E. Dall'Anese
    In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), Virtual, November 2020. [arXiv: 2006.06932v1]

  4. Inexact Online Proximal-gradient Method for Time-varying Convex Optimization
    A. Ajalloeian, A. Simonetto, E. Dall'Anese
    In Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), Virtual, June 2020 [arXiv: 1910.02018v1]

  5. Pursuit of Low-Rank Models of Time-Varying Matrices Robust to Sparse and Measurement Noise
    A. Akhriev, J. Marecek, and A. Simonetto
    In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), New York City, US, February 2020 [arXiv: 1809.03550v2]
    [Oral presentation]

  6. Prediction-Correction Splittings for Nonsmooth Time-Varying Optimization
    N. Bastianello, A. Simonetto, and R. Carli
    In Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC), Napoli, Italy, June 2019 [arXiv: 1903.00298v1]

  7. An Approach to Model Competition in Ridesharing
    V. Pandey, J. Monteil, C. Gambella, and A. Simonetto
    In Proceedings of the Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN), Hamilton Island, Australia, June 2019

  8. On the Needs for On‐demand Management of Ridesharing Mobility
    A. Simonetto, J. Monteil, and C. Gambella
    In Proceedings of the Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis (TRISTAN), Hamilton Island, Australia, June 2019

  9. Prediction-Correction for Nonsmooth Time-Varying Optimization via Forward-Backward Envelopes
    N. Bastianello, A. Simonetto, and R. Carli
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brighton, UK, May 2019 [arXiv: 1902.03073v1]

  10. A Federated Optimization Approach to Real-Time Urban- Scale Ridesharing
    A. Simonetto, J. Monteil, and C. Gambella
    In Proceedings of the European Conference on Operation Research (EURO), Valencia, Spain, July 2018

  11. Time-Varying Optimization: Algorithms and Engineering Applications
    A. Simonetto
    Write-up of the talk I gave at the International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), Bordeaux, France, July 2018 [arXiv: 1807.07032v1]

  12. Prediction-Correction Dual Ascent for Time-Varying Convex Programs
    A. Simonetto
    In Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), Milwaukee, USA, June 2018 [preprint]

  13. A Probabilistic Model for Precedence Rules and Reactionary Delay in Air Traffic Management
    F. Goyens, F. Gonze, R. M. Jungers, A. Simonetto, E. Huens, and J. Boucquey
    In Proceedings of the International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT), Barcelona, Spain, June 2018
    [Best Paper Award for the system performance track]

  14. On the Tracking of Dynamical Optimal Meeting Points
    E. Eser, J. Monteil, and A. Simonetto
    In Proceedings of the 15th IFAC Symposium on Control in Trasportation Systems (CTS), Savona, Italy, June 2018

  15. A Coordinate-Descent Algorithm for Tracking Solutions in Time-Varying Optimal Power Flows
    J. Liu, J. Marecek, A. Simonetto, M. Takac
    In Proceedings of the 20th Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), Dublin, Ireland, June 2018. [preprint]

  16. Feedback-Based Projected-Gradient Method For Real-Time Optimization of Aggregations of Energy Resources
    E. Dall'Anese, A. Bernstein, and A. Simonetto
    In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), Montreal, Canada, November 2017. [preprint]

  17. A First-Order Prediction-Correction Algorithm for Time-Varying (Constrained) Optimization
    A. Simonetto, E. Dall'Anese
    In Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 2017.

  18. Probabilistic Occupancy Counts and Flight Criticality Measures for ATM
    F. Gonze, A. Simonetto, E. Huens, J. Boucquey, and R. M. Jungers
    In Proceedings of the 12th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar, Seattle, USA, June 2017. [link]

  19. Design of Distributed Controllers Seeking Optimal Power Flow Solutions Under Communications Constraints
    E. Dall'Anese, A. Simonetto, and S. V. Dhople
    In Proceedings of the 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Las Vegas, USA, December 2016.

  20. Prediction-Correction Methods for Time-Varying Convex Optimization: theory, algorithms, applications
    A. Simonetto
    In Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Computational Optimization (EUCCO), Leuven, Belgium, September 2016.

  21. Separable Autoregressive Moving Average Graph-Temporal Filters
    E.Isufi, A. Loukas, A. Simonetto, and G. Leus
    In Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference (EuSiPCo), Budapest, Hungary, September 2016.

  22. A Quasi-Newton Prediction-Correction Method for Decentralized Dynamic Convex Optimization
    A. Simonetto, A. Koppel, A. Mokhtari, G. Leus, and A. Ribeiro
    In Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC), Aalborg, Denmark, June 2016.

  23. On Non-Differentiable Time-Varying Optimization
    A. Simonetto, G. Leus
    In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Cancun, Mexico, December 2015.

  24. A Decentralized Prediction-Correction Method for Networked Time-Varying Convex Optimization
    A. Simonetto, A. Mokhtari, A. Koppel, G. Leus, and A. Ribeiro
    In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Cancun, Mexico, December 2015.

  25. Stochastic Graph Filtering on Time-Varying Graphs
    E.Isufi, A. Simonetto, A. Loukas, and G. Leus
    In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Cancun, Mexico, December 2015.

  26. Target Tracking with Dynamic Convex Optimization
    A. Koppel, A. Simonetto, A. Mokhtari, G. Leus, and A. Ribeiro
    In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), Orlando, USA, December 2015.

  27. Prediction-Correction Methods for Time-Varying Convex Optimization
    A. Simonetto, A. Koppel, A. Mokhtari, G. Leus, and A. Ribeiro
    In Proceedings of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, USA, November 2015.

  28. Double Smoothing for Time-Varying Distributed Multiuser Optimization
    A. Simonetto, G. Leus
    In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), Atlanta, USA, December 2014.

  29. Distributed Asynchronous Time-Varying Constrained Optimization
    A. Simonetto, G. Leus
    In Proceedings of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, USA, November 2014.

  30. Sparsity-Aware Sensor Selection for Correlated Noise
    H. Jamali-Rad, A. Simonetto, X. Ma, and G. Leus
    In Proceedings of the of the 17th International Conference on Information Fusion, Salamanca, Spain, July 2014.

  31. A Moving Horizon Convex Relaxation for Mobile Sensor Network Localization
    A. Simonetto and G. Leus
    In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, La Coruna, Spain, June 2014.

  32. Tracking Position and Orientation of a Mobile Rigid Body
    S.P. Chepuri, A. Simonetto, G. Leus, and A.J. van der Veen
    In Proceedings 5th IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing, Saint Martin, December 2013.

  33. Adapting Particle Filter Algorithms to Many-Core Architectures
    M. Chitchian, A. S. van Amesfoort, A. Simonetto, T. Keviczky, and H.J. Sips
    In Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, pages 427 - 438, Boston, USA, May 2013. [link]

  34. A Regularized Saddle-Point Algorithm for Networked Optimization with Resource Allocation Constraints
    A. Simonetto, T. Keviczky, and M. Johansson
    In Proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 7476 - 7481, Maui, USA, December 2012. [tech report arXiv:1208.1180v1]

  35. Distributed Solution for a Maximum Variance Unfolding Problem with Sensor and Robotic Network Applications
    A. Simonetto, T. Keviczky, and D. V. Dimarogonas
    In proceedings of the 50th Allerton Conference, October 2012.

  36. Distributed Multi-Target Tracking via Mobile Robotic Networks: a Localized Non-iterative SDP Approach
    A. Simonetto and T. Keviczky
    In Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, pages 4226 - 4231, Orlando, USA, December 2011. [link]

  37. A Distributed Moving Horizon Estimators for Mobile Robot Localization Problems
    A. Simonetto, D. Balzaretti, and T. Keviczky
    In Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, pages 8902 - 8907, Milano, Italy, September 2011. [link]

  38. On Distributed Maximization of Algebraic Connectivity in Robotic Networks
    A. Simonetto, T. Keviczky, and R. Babuska
    In Proceedings of the American Control Conference, pages 2180 - 2185, San Francisco, USA, July 2011. [preprint]

  39. Distributed Algebraic Connectivity Maximization for Robotic Networks: A Heuristic Approach
    A. Simonetto, T. Keviczky, and R. Babuska
    In PreProceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotics Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland, November 2010. [link]

  40. Distributed Nonlinear Estimation for Robot Localization using Weighted Consensus
    A. Simonetto, T. Keviczky, and R. Babuska
    In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 3026 - 3031, Anchorage, USA, May 2010. [link]

  41. Recent Developments in Distributed Particle Filtering: Towards Fast and Accurate Algorithms
    A. Simonetto and T. Keviczky
    In Proceedings of the 1st IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems, pages 138 - 143, Venice, Italy, September 2009. [link]

  42. A Mobile Network for Mobile Sensors
    A. Simonetto, P. Scerri, and K. Sycara
    In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Fusion, pages 1 - 8, Cologne, Germany, July 2008.

Other Technical/non-Technical Pubs/Working papers

  1. Time-Varying Convex Optimization via Time-Varying Averaged Operators
    A. Simonetto
    working paper, March 2017. [arXiv: 1704.07338v3]

  2. User-Driven Distributed Pervasive Sensing
    A. Simonetto
    @ Dig-it! Xperience, TU Delft, the 11th of November, 2014. [teaser]

  3. Distributed Time-Varying Stochastic Optimization and Utility-Based Communication
    A. Simonetto, L. Kester, and G. Leus
    working paper, July 2014. [arXiv: 1408.5294v2]

  4. Cooperative Robotics
    A. Simonetto
    PhD article. In Slurf Magazine, October 2010.

  5. Distributed estimation for domestic mobile robots: an experimental setup
    A. Simonetto and T. Keviczky
    In Proceedings of the 29th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, March 30 - April 1, Heeze, The Netherlands, 2010.


  1. Optimizing Through Change for Cyber-Physical and Social Systems
    A. Simonetto
    HDR Thesis, Insitut Polytechnique de Paris, 09 September 2022. [link]

  2. Distributed Estimation and Control for Robotic Networks
    A. Simonetto
    PhD Thesis, Delft University of Technology, 05 November 2012. [link]

  3. Distributed and Robust Control for Space Multi-Agent Systems
    A. Simonetto
    Master's Thesis, Politecnico di Milano, April 2008.


[Google patent profile]

  1. Methods and systems for managing as-a-service systems in the event of connectivity issues
    A. Simonetto, N. Bastianello, R. Carli, T.T. Tchrakian
    US 2023/0222047 A1, 2023. [Google patent link]

  2. Self-calibrating system for producing electrical signal output
    A. Simonetto, T.T. Tchrakian, P.R. Parida
    US 2023/0079923 A1, 2023. [Google patent link]

  3. Intelligent on-demand management of ride sharing in a transportation system
    J. Monteil, C. Gambella, A. Simonetto, Y. Lassoued, A. Dekusar, M. Mevissen
    US 2020/0380629 A1, 2020. [Google patent link]

  4. Mixed-binary constrained optimization on quantum computers
    C. Gambella, A. Simonetto, M. Mevissen, J. Marecek
    US 2020/0342330 A1, 2020. [Google patent link]

  5. Adaptive pain management and reduction based on monitoring user conditions
    Q. Lin, J. Rogers, G. Russo, A. Simonetto, T. Tchrakian
    US 2019/0362843 A1, 2019. [Google patent link]

  6. Adaptive chronic pain relief via implanted electrical neurostimulation
    Q. Lin, J. Rogers, G. Russo, A. Simonetto, T. Tchrakian
    US 2019/0358455 A1, 2019. [Google patent link]

  7. Adaptive electrical neurostimulation treatment to reduce pain perception
    Q. Lin, J. Rogers, G. Russo, A. Simonetto, T. Tchrakian
    US 2019/0358454 A1, 2019. [Google patent link]

  8. Real time feedback-based optimization of distributed energy resources
    E. Dall'Anese, A. Bernstein, A. Simonetto
    US 2018/0138711 A1, 2018. [Google patent link]

  9. Real time voltage regulation through gather and broadcast techniques
    E. Dall'Anese, A. Simonetto, S. Dhople
    US 2017/0214244 A1, 2017. [Google patent link]