Andrea Simonetto, PhD
Research Professor at UMA, ENSTA Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
828 Boulevard des Maréchaux, 91120 Palaiseau, France (room: 2.4.26)
E-mail: andrea.simonetto@ensta-paris.fr
Member of the OC team, CEDRIC lab, CNAM
[Google Scholar]
I am a Research Professor (Enseignant Chercheur, avec HDR) within the applied mathematics department (UMA) at ENSTA Paris. I work at the intersection of optimization and learning for large-scale and streaming data, with a number of application domains as smart grids, intelligent transportation, personalized health, and quantum computing. I am also affiliated with the combinatorial optimization team (OC) in the CEDRIC lab at the CNAM.
Things I am working on currently
Online algorithms for time-varying optimization problems (prediction-correction, correction-only, feedback-based).
Personalized optimization with kernels.
Online algorithms for dynamic ridesharing and shared mobility.
Optimization algorithms on quantum computers.
Applications: smart grids, intelligent transportation, personalized health, quantum computing.
Things I have worked on
Convex and non-convex optimization: both from a theoretical perspective and algorithmic implementation. Recent works include prediction-correction algorithms to track the solution trajectory of time-varying convex programs. Older works include networked SDP convex relaxations of certain classes of non-convex programs.
Distributed optimization, especially in connection with robotic and wireless sensor networks.
Control theory in the context of distributed control design, model predictive control, embedded control systems.
Signal processing: distributed estimation, sparse reconstructions, compressive sensing, wireless sensor network localization, sensor selection, graph signal processing.
Parallel computing in the context of nonlinear estimation and specifically particle filtering.