Sonia Fliss



Full professor at ENSTA Paris, UMA (Applied Mathematics Department).

From 2009

Associate Professor at ENSTA — Secondment from Corps des Mines Member of Poems team (Propagation des ondes : étude mathématique et simulation. )


Telecom Paristech (French IT-specialized “Grande Ecole”)
Signal processing, Computer Sciences (Eng. Degree.)
“IT Public Administration” advanced education (Corps des Telecom)


Universtiy Paris VI - Pierre et Marie Curie, MSc degree. Research Internship, EADS, IW and Inria — Subject: Décomposition de domaines multi-échelle et multi-physique pour la modélisation des traitements acoustiques de surface — Advisors: T. Abboud and I. Terrasse


Ecole Polytechnique (First ranked French “Grande Ecole” engineering school)
Majors: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics.
Research Internship in 2003, Division of Engineering and Applied Science, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences , Harvard University, Boston, USA — Subject: Numerical elastodynamic modeling of earthquake rupture through branched and offset fault system — Advisors: James R. Rice and Renata Dmowska

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