Fast algorithms for the solution of scattering problems
by Boundary Element Methods
AMS-304: 2019/2020
- Boundary Element Methods for scattering problems
- Fast modern algorithms: motivation, complexity analysis and principle
- Principle of low-rank approximations: Singular Value Decomposition and Adaptive Cross Approximation
- Fast Algebraic Solvers: Hierarchical Matrices
- Fast Multipole Methods: principle for particles, FMM for Helmholtz
Lecture Materials
- Note de Conseils pour les comptes-rendus de TPs: [Pdf]
- Session 1: Introduction [Pdf] / Theory: Fundamental solutions and Boundary Integral Representation (E. Becache)
- Session 2: TP on Boundary Integral Representation [Pdf TP] / Theory: Boundary Integral Representation (E. Becache)
- Session 3: TP on Boundary Integral Representation [Aide TP]
- Session 4:TP on Boundary Integral Representation/ Theory: Boundary Integral Equations [Poly]
- Session 5: How to deal with singular integrals/ TP on Boundary Integral Equations [Pdf TP]
- Session 6: TP on Boundary Integral Equations
- Session 7: Fast algebraix BEMs [Pdf]/ TP on low rank approximations
[Pdf TP]
- Session 8: Fast algebraix BEMs [Pdf ]/ TP on Hierarchical matrices
- Session 9: TP on Hierarchical matrices
- Session 10: Presentation of the 3 TPs