Blender 3D models

Lapin Crétin / Raving Rabbid

Release: 28 mai 2012 - 28th May 2012
Version: 0.9.2
Download: Blender file

Juste un petit modèle de Lapin Crétin en cours de réalisation.

Just a little model for a raving rabbid still under development.

Angry Bird

Release: 17 mai 2012 - 17th May 2012
Version: 1.0
Download: Blender file

C'était juste un petit délire d'après-midi en regardant la peluche de mes gamins !

This was just a little idea in the afternoon just looking at my boys' stuffed birds !

Animated stuffed creature (WIP)

Release: 31 décembre 2012 - 31th December 2012
Version: 0.0.1
Download: Blender file
                        The rendered animation (Low resolution to save bandwidth)

Une petite bébête suffisamment simple pour tester les mystères de l'animation... Un peu de système de particules, un peu d'animation...

A litte creature, simple enough to test animation mysteries... A bit of particles system, a bit of animation....

Pokémon Moustillon

Release: 15 janvier 2013 - 15th January 2013
Version: 0.0.2
Download: Blender file

Update: ajout du rig. Essai "d'habillage": le coquillage est une mesh séparée qui doit suivre le corps ---> parentage à la même ossature que la mesh du corps. Première utilisation des poids automatiques (vraiment très pratique) et ajustement par weight painting manuel.

Update: added riggin. Attempt of "clothing" : the shell is a separate mesh that must follow the body ---> parenting to the same armature than the body's mesh. First usage of automatic weights (really cool) and little changes by manual weight painting.

Pokémon Tiplouf

Release: 5 janvier 2013 - 5th January 2013
Version: 0.0.1
Download: Blender file

Premier essai d'UV-mapping. Le truc à ne pas oublier après avoit travaillé dans l'UV-editor: assigner le fichier image à une texture et cette texture à l'objet, en spécifiant Coordinates: UV !

First attempt of UV-mapping. The thing to remember after having worked in the UV-editor: assign the image file to a texture and this texture to the object, specifying Coordinates: UV!

Newton Pendulum & Lamp

Release: 23 décembre 2013 - 23rd December 2013
Version: 0.0.1
Download: Blender file
                        The rendered animation (Low resolution to save bandwidth)

Quelques mélanges d'animation utilisant le Blender Game Engine, les particules et le moteur de physique. Cette animation met en scène un pendule de Newton et une lampe articulée regardant le spectacle...
Note: un excellent tutorial ici sur lequel je me suis basé pour le pendule:
Quelques notes rapides et sommaires à propos de cette modélisation:
Voir la description en Anglais ci-dessous...

Animation mix using the Blender Game engine, particles system and the physics engine. This shows a Newton pendulum and a lamp watching the spectacle...
Note: here an excellent tutorial I used as basis for my pendulum.
Some quick and dirty notes about this model:
First model 1 ball-with-wire.
Only duplicate when all is configured on the first one.
Group the first ball with the first wires (^J).
To setup physics, do not use the Blender Render context but the Blender Game.

Then inspect the Physics tab.
Add an object contraint: Rigid body joint. Pivot type: Ball.
Check box "display pivot » in the constraints tab.
Setup mass.
Set the radius to make it exactly fit the shape of your ball.
Lock "Rotation" on X and Z to prevent unwanted spurious movements.

Set the rotation center of the first ball. Put the 3-D cursor at the pivot
location and use the button to change the rotation center. Otherwise, hitting R
will rotate around anywhere else.

Then press P to preview the physics rendering.

To finally be able to render an animation, in the Blender Game menu, use menu
Game>Record animation. This generates keyframes.

Then go back in Blender Render and ... render the animation.

For the exploding lamp, set the plane with the « Collision » physics (Blender Render, tab physics).
  Set stickiness (to make particules sticking the ground once felt)
  Set permeability to 0 (to prevent particles from going through the ground).

Mecha pider

Release: 29 décembre 2013 - 29th December 2013
Version: 0.0.2
Download: Blender file
                        The rendered animation (Low resolution to save bandwidth)

Notes à venir...

Notes to be added...

Xana Crab from Code Lyoko Anime

Release: 31 janver 2014 - 31st January 2014
Version: Work In Progress...
Download: --
Description: --

Lego Mimifig

Release: 7 juillet 2015 - 7st July 2015
Version: 1.0
Download: Blender File

Liens / Links

Quelques liens très utiles pour apprendre Blender.
Some very useful links to learn about Blender.

July 2015