Research Interests
Computational Fluid Dynamics,
Multiphase Compressible Flows, Finite Volume Schemes
My current research activities are mainly dedicated to the development
of computational models for multiphase compressible flows, and it
focuses on simulation methods for liquid-vapor flows with transfer processes.
In particular, I am interested in the modelling of cavitating flows
for various industrial applications.
Research Projects
Leader of the 45-month project (01/2019-09/2022)
Numerical modeling of multiphase liquid-vapor-gas flows with cavitation processes. Funded by AID.
Leader of the 3-year project (11/2011-10/2014)
Full-Mach-number-range numerical simulation of cavitating flows by multiphase
compressible flow models. Funded by DGA.
M. Pelanti and K.-M. Shyue, A mixture-energy-consistent six-equation two-phase numerical model for
fluids with interfaces, cavitation and evaporation waves, J. Comput. Phys., 259, 331-357, 2014.
M. Pelanti and K.-M. Shyue, A mixture-energy-consistent numerical approximation of a
two-phase flow model for fluids with interfaces and cavitation, in
Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics,
Applications, Proceedings of the Fourteenth International
Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, pp. 839-846, AIMS, 2014.
M. Pelanti and K.-M. Shyue, A Roe-type scheme with low Mach number
preconditioning for a two-phase compressible
flow model with pressure relaxation,
Bull. Braz. Math. Soc., New Series, 47(2), 655-669, 2016.
( Proceedings of the Fifteenth International
Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, HYP2014.)
M. Pelanti, Low Mach number preconditioning techniques for Roe-type and
HLLC-type methods for a two-phase compressible flow model. Appl. Math. Comput., 310, 112-133, 2017.
M. Pelanti, Wave structure similarity of the HLLC and Roe Riemann solvers: Application to low Mach number preconditioning. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 40(3), A1836-A1859, 2018.
T. Flåtten, M. Pelanti, and K.-M. Shyue, A Numerical Model for Three-Phase Liquid-Vapor-Gas Flows with Relaxation Processes, in
Theory, Numerics and Applications of Hyperbolic Problems II, HYP 2016, pp. 423-435, C. Klingenberg, M. Westdickenberg Eds., Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 237, 2018.
M. Pelanti and K.-M. Shyue, A numerical model for multiphase liquid-vapor-gas flows with
interfaces and cavitation, Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 113, 208-230, 2019.
M. Pelanti, Arbitrary-rate relaxation techniques for the numerical modeling of compressible two-phase flows with heat and mass transfer, Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 153, 104097, 2022.
Doctoral and post-doctoral work
Multifluid and multiphase compressible gas flows
- Free-surface geophysical flows