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Numerical Modeling of Volcanic Jets and Plumes

Pyroclastic dispersion dynamics of pressure-balanced eruptions

  • Simulation A2: Collapsing volcanic column. D = 100 m, v = 80 m/s.

  • Simulation A6: Suspended flow/Plinian column. D = 100 m, v = 200 m/s.

    D = vent diameter, v = vent velocity.

    Overpressured volcanic jets

  • Simulation A, no crater: Gas density , Dust density , Pressure gradient .

  • Simulation A, crater 30 degrees: Gas density , Dust density , Pressure gradient .

    D = 127 m, vg = 211 m/s, vd = 201 m/s, Pressure at the vent: 4.6 MPa.


  • Marica Pelanti, Wave Propagation Algorithms for Multicomponent Compressible Flows with Applications to Volcanic Jets , Ph. D. Thesis, 2005. thesis.pdf

  • M. Pelanti and R. J. LeVeque, High-Resolution Finite Volume Methods for Dusty Gas Jets and Plumes, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 28, 1335--1360, 2006.

  • M. Pelanti and R. J. LeVeque, Numerical Simulation of Volcanic Jets, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, Yokohama Publishers, 2006.

  • T. Esposti Ongaro, M. Pelanti, A. Neri, and R. J. LeVeque, Shock-wave pattern and atmospheric signature of underexpanded volcanic jets, in: Workshop on the physics of fluid oscillations in volcanic systems, Lancaster, UK, 2006.

    Link to Randy LeVeque's Volcano Modeling web page.

    Link to Clawpack web page.