Numerical Modeling of Volcanic Jets and Plumes
Pyroclastic dispersion dynamics of pressure-balanced eruptions
Simulation A2: Collapsing volcanic column.
D = 100 m, v = 80 m/s.
Simulation A6: Suspended flow/Plinian column.
D = 100 m, v = 200 m/s.
D = vent diameter, v = vent velocity.
Overpressured volcanic jets
Simulation A, no crater: Gas density ,
Dust density ,
Pressure gradient .
Simulation A, crater 30 degrees:
Gas density ,
Dust density ,
Pressure gradient .
D = 127 m, vg = 211 m/s, vd = 201 m/s, Pressure at the vent: 4.6 MPa.
Marica Pelanti, Wave Propagation Algorithms for Multicomponent Compressible
Flows with
Applications to Volcanic Jets , Ph. D. Thesis, 2005.
M. Pelanti and R. J. LeVeque,
High-Resolution Finite Volume Methods for Dusty Gas Jets and Plumes,
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 28, 1335--1360, 2006.
M. Pelanti and R. J. LeVeque, Numerical Simulation of Volcanic Jets,
Proceedings of the Tenth International
Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, Yokohama Publishers, 2006.
T. Esposti Ongaro, M. Pelanti, A. Neri, and R. J. LeVeque,
Shock-wave pattern and atmospheric signature of underexpanded volcanic
jets, in: Workshop on the physics of fluid oscillations in volcanic
systems, Lancaster, UK, 2006.
Link to Randy LeVeque's
Volcano Modeling web page.
Link to
Clawpack web page.