Former PhD students
- Jin Jack Tan, Piano acoustics: string's double polarisation and piano source identification, defended on 30/11/2017, supervisors: C. Touzé, P. Joly and B. Cotté.
- Yuan Tian, Modeling of wind turbine noise sources and propagation in the atmosphere, defended on 15/02/2016, supervisors: B. Cotté and O. Cadot.
Former post-docs
- Benjamin Elie, Développement et validation d'un logiciel de CAO sonore pour tables d'harmonie de piano (projet ANR MAESSTRO), 2019, supervisors: B. Cotté & X. Boutillon.
- Augustin Parret-Fréaud, Modèles temporels d'amortissement en vibroacoustique (projet DGA), 2012-2014, supervisors: B. Cotté & A. Chaigne.
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