Lucas Chesnel
Inria Saclay
Équipe Idefix (Inria/Institut Polytechnique de Paris/EDF)
Lucas.Chesnel at inria.fr
Research activities
I am a junior scientist (CRN Inria). I am part of the Idefix team at the center of Applied Mathematics at Ensta Paris.
I work on problems appearing in various fields of physics such as acoustics, water-waves theory or electromagnetism. I am particularly interested in the analysis of phenomena of wave propagation in metamaterials and in plasmonic structures. Recently, I have been working also on questions of invisibility for an observer with a finite number of measurement devices.
I am led to study different branches of applied math from partial differential equations to numerical analysis, through spectral theory, asymptotic analysis or inverse problems.
Email : Lucas.Chesnel at inria.fr
Tel : +33 (0)1 81 87 21 39
UMA, Ensta Paris, room 2.3.27
828, Bd des Maréchaux,
91762 Palaiseau Cedex