Smart Retinas

Reference (bibtex format)
    author  = "Zavidovique, B. and Bernard, T. ",
    title   = "Smart Retinas",
  booktitle = "Proc. COGNITIVA",
    address = "Madrid, Spain",
    pages   = "495-515",
    month   = nov,
    year    = 1990

A smart retina is a device which intimately associates an optoelectronic layer with processing facilities. The rapprochement between acquisition and processing is particularly suited for the emergence of novel kinds of interaction, between analog and digital massive computations. Therefore, several attempts of analog, possibly neural, computations linked to the vision process are listed and discussed. But analog is not enough for really smartening retinas . Then, an additional plausible coat of cellular boolean iterative processing in these "human size" vision machines is described, and commented on through examples.

Paper (PostScript format compressed with gzip) -> (about 80K)

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