Conference Proceedings
- Quantification of the crack fragmentation resulting from mode I+III loading.
Cambonie, T., , Lazarus, V., 20th European Conference on Fracture (ECF20), Trondheim, Norway, July, 2014.
- Crack front fingering during planar crack propagation in highly heterogeneous toughness field.
Vasoya, M., , Lazarus, V., , Ponson, L., 20th European Conference on Fracture (ECF20), Trondheim, Norway, July, 2014.
- Numerical study of the deformations of two coplanar circular cracks during their coalescence.
Lazarus, V., , Legrand, L., The 13rd international conference on fracture (ICF13), Beijing, China, June, 2013.
- Evaluation Using Digital Image Correlation and Finite Element method of Stress Intensity Factors and T-stress in Wedge splitting test.
Hattali, L., , Auradou, H., , Francois, M., , Lazarus, V., The 13rd international conference on fracture (ICF13), Beijing, China, June, 2013.
- Propagation of tensile planar cracks in highly heterogeneous media: A numerical study.
Vasoya, M., , Ponson, L., , Lazarus, V., The 13rd international conference on fracture (ICF13), Beijing, China, June, 2013.
- Determination des facteurs d'intensite des contraintes et du T-stress par correlation d'image et par elements finis dans une experience de wedge-splitting.
Hattali, L., , Auradou, H., , Francois, M., , Lazarus, V., Congres francais de mecanique CFM 13., Bordeaux, France,, august, 2013.
- etude experimentale et numerique du piegeage d'un front de fissure par une interface textur.
Dalmas, D., , Lina, L., , Patinet, S., , Barthel, E., , Vandembroucq, D., , Lazarus, V., Congres francais de mecanique CFM 13., Bordeaux, France, august, 2013.
- Fissures de retraction en forme d'etoiles: approches theorique par minimisation d'energie et experimentale par sechage de suspensions colloïdales.
Lazarus, V., Maurini, C., Gauthier, G., 20e Congres Francais de Mecanique (CFM 11), 28 aout-2 Septembre, 2011.
- Propagation des fronts de fissure planaire dans les materiaux fragiles heterogènes de dimensions finies.
Patinet, S., Frelat, J., Lazarus, V., Vandembroucq, D., 20e Congres Francais de Mecanique (CFM 11), 28 aout-2 Septembre, 2011.
- Deformation of the crack front during propagation in some disordered medium: theoretical and experimental studies.
Pindra, N., Lazarus, V., Leblond, J. B., Schmittbuhl, J., Toussaint, R., 12th International Conference on Fracture (ICF12), Ottawa (Canada), July, 2009.
- Basalt Columns and Crack Formation during Directional Drying of Colloidal Suspensions in Capillary Tubes.
Lazarus, V., Gauthier, G., Pauchard, L., Maurini, C., Valdivia, C., 12th International Conference on Fracture (ICF12), Ottawa (Canada), July, 2009.
- Surfactants adsorption effects on rheological and cracking properties of self-dried decontamination gel films.
Faure, S., Maurel, D., Cuer, F., Lazarus, V., Pauchard, L., 23rd Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, 3rd Workshop of COST Action D4 (ECIS 2009), Department of Chemical Engineering, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey., Antalya (Turkey), Sept., 2009.
- Analytical and 3D finite element study of the deflection of an elastic cantilever bilayer plate.
Chekchaki, M., Lazarus, V., 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC2009), Eds.J. Ambrosio, European Mechanics Society, Lisbon, Portugal, Sept., 2009.
- Slight in-plane perturbation of a system of two coplanar parallel tensile slit-cracks.
Pindra, N., Lazarus, V., Leblond, J. B., 36-th Solid Mechanics Conference, SolMech2008, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk (Poland), 2008.
- Désordre du front d'une fissure semi-infinie d'interface.
Pindra, N., Lazarus, V., Leblond, J. B., CFM07, 18e Congrès Francais de Mécanique, Association Francais de Mécanique, Grenoble, August, 2007.
- Crack front twisting in three point bending, comparison between a local and a global approach.
Lazarus, V., Buchholz, F. G., Wiebesiek, J., 35-th Solid Mechanics Conference, SolMech2006, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow (Poland), September, 2006.
- Disorder of the front of a tensile tunnel-crack propagating in some inhomogeneous medium.
Favier, E., Lazarus, V., Leblond, J. B., 11th International Conference on Fracture, Eds.Alberto Carpinteri, Yiu-Wing Mai, and Robert O. Ritchie, Turin, Italy, Mars, 2005.
- Numerical simulation of propagation of 3D planar cracks in infinite bodies in tension or shear.
Favier, E., Lazarus, V., Leblond, J. B., Computational Mechanics, Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with the Second Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, Eds.Z. H. Yao, M. W. Yuan, and W. X. Zhong, Tsinghua University Press \& Springer, Beijing, China, September, 2004.
- Numerical simulations of crack front twisting under consideration of local mode II and/or global mode III effects.
Fulland, M., Lazarus, V., Computational Mechanics, Proceedings CD-ROM of the Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with the Second Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, Eds.Z. H. Yao, M. W. Yuan, and W. X. Zhong, Tsinghua University Press \& Springer, Beijing, China, CD-Rom, 5-10 September, 2004.
- Fatigue and brittle fracture propagation paths of planar tunnel-cracks with perturbed front under uniform remote tensile loadings.
Favier, E., Lazarus, V., Leblond, J. B., Fatigue Crack Paths, FCP2003, Parma (Italy), ESIS, European Structural Integrity Society, 18-21 september, 2003.
- Instability and disorder of the front of some tensile tunnel-crack slightly perturbed within its plane..
Favier, E., Lazarus, V., Leblond, J. B., Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis 2003 (MPSVA2003), University of Glasgow (GB), Eds.Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, 440-441,, 8-11 September, 2003.
- The Tunnel-Crack with a Slightly Wavy Front under Shear Loading.
Lazarus, V., Leblond, J. B., Advances in Fracture Research, Proceedings of ICF10, Honolulu (Hawaii), Eds.K. Ravi-Chandar, B. L. Karihaloo, T. Kishi, R. O. Ritchie, A. T. Yokobori Jr, and T. Yokobori, Elsevier Science , CDRom, 3-7 december, 2001.
- Stress Intensity Factor of 3D Plane Crack under Mode I Loading.
Lazarus, V., Advances in Fracture Research, Proceedings of ICF10, Honolulu (Hawaii), Eds.K. Ravi-Chandar, , B. L. Karihaloo, , T. Kishi, , R. O. Ritchie, , A. T. Yokobori Jr, , and T. Yokobori, Elsevier Science , CDRom, 3-7 december, 2001.
- Three-dimensional crack-face weight functions for the semi-infinite interface crack.
Lazarus, V., Leblond, J. B., Proceedings of ICF9, Advances in Fracture Research, Sydney (Australia), Eds.B. L. Karihaloo, Y. W. Mai, M. I. Ripley, and R. O. Ritchie, Elsevier Science, 4, 1-5 April, 1997.
General public
- Craquelures dans les couches picturales des peintures d'art.
Pauchard, L. , Lazarus, V. , Abou, B. , Sekimoto, K. , Aitken, G. , Lahanier, C. ,Reflets de la Physique, Société Fran\c{c}aise de Physique 3, 5-9 (2007).
- Participation to the exposition "Ca casse ou ca coule". [Palais de la decouverte], 12 fevrier 2013--
- Participation aux rencontres botaniques de Varengeville/Mer "Quel pays sous les ecorces?" (29-30/9/2012).
[Sur Les Docks, 'Jardins sur mer, les ecorces de Varengeville' diffusee le 07/11/2012 sur France Culture]
- Les formes des fissures.
Lazarus, V., Universcience TV, Eds.D. Bento, and F. Perot, 24 au 30/5/2013, 2013.
- Orgues basaltiques...orgues maizeniques! .
Hellal, D., , Lazarus, V., Exposition "Toucher, casser, couler", realise par Centre Sciences, 2013.
- Cela se casse chez vous.
Hellal, D., , Lazarus, V., Exposition "Toucher, casser, couler", realise par Centre Sciences, 2013.
- Mousses, sable, grains; la matiere desordonnee.
Deligeorges S., Guyon E., Lazarus V., Continent Sciences, diffuse en direct le 17.11.2014 a 14h sur France Culture.
- Ch. Endommagement, rupture dans ``''La matiere en desordre``. Bideau D., Guyon E., Hulin J.-P. (Eds.), CollectionSavoirs Actuels. EDP Sciences (2014).
- Motifs de rupture.
Pauchard L., Lazarus V., Espace des sciences, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (Juin 2015).
- Pour moi, enseignante-chercheure en mecanique, la science c'est comprendre et predire quand, comment et pourquoi les solides cassent, pour le bien de tous. In: Silberstein, M. (Ed.), Qu'est-ce que la science... pour vous? Vol. 2. Editions materiologiques (2018)
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