module TypeTrees ## # Generate a text graphic of Julia modules type tree ## # The node type holds the type of the cuurent node and a dict of subtypes type TTNode strname::String typ::Type subtypes::Dict{String, TTNode} TTNode(sname::String, t::Type) = new(sname, t, Dict{String, TTNode}()) end # Add a node to a dict if not added function add_ttnode(subtypes::Dict{String, TTNode}, sname::String, tnode::TTNode) ret = get(subtypes, sname, nothing) (nothing == ret) && (ret = subtypes[sname] = tnode) ret end function add_ttnode(subtypes::Dict{String, TTNode}, sname::String, t::Type) ret = get(subtypes, sname, nothing) (nothing == ret) && (subtypes[sname] = ret = TTNode(sname, t)) ret end # Get a string name for the type typ_name(t::UnionType) = string(t) typ_name(t::TypeConstructor) = string(t) typ_name(t) = string( # Store a type and its type hierarchy chain # Recurse till we reach the top level type function store_type(sname::String, t::UnionType) suptype = UnionType tnode = TTNode(sname, t) # store unions under UnionType type subtypes = store_type(typ_name(suptype), suptype) add_ttnode(subtypes, sname, tnode) # unions are also in a sense related to the types of their components for suptype = t.types subtypes = store_type(typ_name(suptype), suptype) add_ttnode(subtypes, sname, tnode) end return tnode.subtypes end function store_type(sname::String, t::TypeConstructor) suptype = t.body subtypes = store_type(typ_name(suptype), suptype) tnode = add_ttnode(subtypes, sname, t) return tnode.subtypes end function store_type(sname::String, t::DataType) suptype = super(t) subtypes = (suptype != t) ? store_type(typ_name(suptype), suptype) : types_tree tnode = add_ttnode(subtypes, sname, t) return tnode.subtypes end function store_type(sname::String, t::Tuple) tnode = add_ttnode(types_tree, sname, t) return tnode.subtypes end function store_type(sname::String, t) suptype = super(t) subtypes = (suptype != t) ? store_type(typ_name(suptype), suptype) : types_tree tnode = add_ttnode(subtypes, sname, t) return tnode.subtypes end # examine all symbols in module and store those that are types function store_all_from(m::Module) for expr = names(m,true) try t = eval(m,expr) isa(t, Type) && store_type(string(expr), t) #catch ex # println("Error adding ", string(expr), m, " (", ex, ")") end end end type_props(typ) = "" type_props(typ::DataType) = string("<<", typ.abstract ? " abstract" : " concrete", typ.mutable ? " mutable" : " immutable", typ.pointerfree ? " pointerfree" : "", " size:", typ.size, " >>") function print_tree(subtypes::Dict{String, TTNode}, pfx::String="") for n in sort!([keys(subtypes)...]) v = subtypes[n] if(n == string(v.typ)) println(pfx, "+- ", n, " ", type_props(v.typ)) else println(pfx, "+- ", n, " = ", v.typ, " ", type_props(v.typ)) end print_tree(v.subtypes, pfx * ". ") end end # TODO: optionally take module names in command line # TODO: sort output # TODO: option to list subtrees of type tree, or other symbol types const types_tree = Dict{String, TTNode}() for m in (Base, Core, Main) store_all_from(m) end # print_tree(types_tree) end # module