# [function](http://docs.julialang.org:8000/en/latest/manual/functions/#functions) to calculate the volume of a sphere function sphere_vol(r) # julia allows [Unicode names](http://docs.julialang.org:8000/en/latest/manual/variables/#variables) (in UTF-8 encoding) # so either "pi" or the symbol π can be used return 4/3*pi*r^3 end # functions can also be defined more succinctly quadratic(a, sqr_term, b) = (-b + sqr_term) / 2a # calculates x for 0 = a*x^2+b*x+c, [arguments types](TODO: links) can be defined in function definitions function quadratic2(a::Float64, b::Float64, c::Float64) # unlike other languages 2a is equivalent to 2*a # a^2 is used instead of a**2 or pow(a,2) sqr_term = sqrt(b^2-4a*c) r1 = quadratic(a, sqr_term, b) r2 = quadratic(a, -sqr_term, b) # multiple values can be returned from a function using tuples # if the [return](http://docs.julialang.org:8000/en/latest/manual/functions/#the-return-keyword) keyword is omitted, the last term is returned r1, r2 end vol = sphere_vol(3) # @printf allows number formatting but does not automatically append the \n to statements, see below @printf "volume = %0.3f\n" vol #> volume = 113.097 quad1, quad2 = quadratic2(2.0, -2.0, -12.0) println("result 1: ", quad1) #> result 1: 3.0 println("result 2: ", quad2) #> result 2: -2.0