#include "ibex.h" using namespace ibex; #define __PREC__ 1e-11 #define __METH__ RK4 #define __DURATION__ 10.0 int main(){ // Dimension of the IVP const int n= 2; // State variables Variable y(n); // Initial conditions IntervalVector yinit(n); yinit[0] = Interval(1.5,2.0); yinit[1] = Interval(-2.0,-1.5); // Derivative function Function ydot = Function (y,Return (y[0]-2*y[1], 3*y[0]-4*y[1])); // Ivp contruction (initial time is 0.0) ivp_ode problem = ivp_ode (ydot, 0.0, yinit); // Simulation construction and run simulation simu = simulation (&problem, __DURATION__, __METH__, __PREC__); simu.run_simulation(); return 0; }