First term 2024/25 at Université Paris-Saclay
Mathematics for data science
(Lectures about linear algebra and multivariable calculus concepts useful in data science)
1st year of Computer Science Master
List of topics and references,
Exercise sheet 1,
Exercise sheet 2,
Exercise sheet 3,
Exercise sheet 4,
Exercise sheet 5,
Exam example,
Reminders about the exam
Check the timetable and room numbers here.
First term 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24, 2024/25 at ENSTA (IP Paris)
Fonctions de variable complexe (MA04)
(Tutorial classes about holomorphic functions theory and complex integration)
1st year of Engineer School (equivalent to 3rd year of Bachelor's degree)
First term 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24, 2024/25 at ENSTA (IP Paris)
La méthode des éléments finis (ANN1)
(Tutorial classes about the theory and implementation of the finite element method)
2nd year of Engineer School (equivalent to 1st year of Master's degree)
First term 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24 at Université Paris-Saclay
Mathematics for data science
(Lectures about linear algebra and multivariable calculus concepts useful in data science)
1st year of Computer Science Master
Second term 2017/2018 at UPMC (Sorbonne Université)
UE 3M101 Projet
(Supervision of a group of 4 students working on a mathematical project involving Python programming)
3rd year of the Bachelor's degree Sciences, Technologie et Santé (Mention Mathématiques)
First term 2017/2018 at UPMC (Sorbonne Université)
Des EDP à leur résolution par la méthode des éléments finis (5MM30)
(Laboratory sessions about C++ implementation of the finite element method)
2nd year of the Master's degree Mathématiques et Applications (Majeure ANEDP)